Saturday, March 21, 2020

#SOL20 Day 21. If This Isn't Nice...

I've been celebrating those moments in my life for a few years now. It's the little things that make me happy. And it's those little things I want to remember. So I've resurrected my Friday Favorites, Celebrations, Gratitudes, in my new writing life. 

"If this isn't nice, I don't know what is." 

1. The sun is shining today and that is a wonderful mood lifter. After a couple of days of dark and dreary rain, topped off with an inch and a half of snow, sunshine is just what we need.

2. A simple trip to a Target about an hour from us (everything is an hour from us, to be fair), was also a mood lifter. It was nice to get out of the house even if we did feel rebellious doing it. We found some things that weren't in stock at our hometown grocery and felt like we won the lottery. No toilet paper, but we are OK for now!

3. We took Chloe in the car with us when we went to Target. She was as excited as we were to get out of the house. Really. I should have recorded her smiling in the car!

4. Charged up my Fitbit again, so it would remind me to get up and move every hour. It gets to easy to just snuggle in my chair.

5. I'm loving the concerts that are popping up on social media. I've started adding them to my calendar with an alert so I don't forget to watch them. Today, a couple of friends are playing since their gig got canceled. It will be good to see them!

6. We've been very intentional about keeping in touch with family and friends. Working on getting most of us on Facetime, Zoom, Skype, something so that it seems like we are together. Last night we had a glass of wine with my sister-in-law and her husband.

7. On Thursday, I wrote with the TeachWrite group via Zoom. It felt like sitting in a room with friends (and I was). The social connection a great side-benefit. Just chatting for a few minutes about the world we live in now. I honestly can't wait for the next one.

I hope you are finding your way in this "new normal" we are all experiencing. Take time every day to find your JOY.


  1. Your list shows so much about you. Your positivity is overflowing. I also feel like I've learned so tips from your list. I may need to check out some concerts and start connecting online with familiy and friends. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank-you. This means a lot. I'll try to add some links for things we're looking forward to!

  2. Who would have ever thought that going to Target would be risky or rebellious! Again, it was so nice to see you in the writing group! Have a great Saturday!

  3. Your list is wonderful! I love the idea of going to Target as "rebellious!" It's certainly a statement about how much life has changed in a week or so!

    1. Crazy, isn't it. I even stop and think before I buy something--I don't want people to think I'm hoarding!

  4. Your list which reads like little tiny slices is so uplifiting. Thank you for the idea for Friday celebrations. The trip to Target, the wine with family- there is still much to be grateful for.

    1. There is a lot to be thankful for and they aren't all big things. I'm so grateful I started this habit a few years ago.

  5. I went to get my hair cut on the day it was announced that non essential businesses would be closing. Non essential to whom. I'm thrilled to have gotten a haircut on the last day they were open and told them I felt like a rebel and rule breaker, things I'm definitely not!
    We had a Zoom gathering for our film club last night and decided to meet again in two weeks instead of four.

    1. I got my hair cut this week too. I'm lucky I still can. I go to a one woman shop so I felt pretty safe. I hope she can stay open!

  6. I am trying to get Zoom set up to meet with my Bible study group tomorrow morning. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry about Target!

    1. Zoom was pretty easy to set up on my computer.

  7. "Gratitude creates abundance" is a phrase that stuck with me some years ago. Listing what's well shows the pieces of happiness. I recognised you instantly when you popped up on the screen at TeachWrite. Loved to see you and be there to write with others.

    1. I recognized you too! I looking forward to the next one!

  8. I am so glad you enjoyed your day so much (and that Chloe got to be part of it!). I need to be more intentional about connecting with people using all the different video conferencing tools. This week it's been fine to hermit up, but I can see it getting old!

    1. I'll be honest--it's been my husband who pushed us to keep reaching out. And because of him, I pushed myself to join the writing group. But now, we plan who we're going to connect with each day.

  9. Deb, finding happiness in this crazy, mixed-up world feels like a just-right goal. I like how you looked at ordinary moments to spark joy.

    1. Those little bits of JOY are always waiting for me. I just have to be aware!


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