Tuesday, March 10, 2020

#SOL20 Day 10 Can You Sub Today?

Once in a while, my easy mornings are erased by a phone call...

The Call: My phone rings at about 6:40am. I'm usually awake, not up yet, but awake. All those years of getting up early for school don't just disappear. And old habits are hard to break. It's often a crapshoot. The secretary doesn't always tell me who I'd be covering for until I've said I'm available.

Getting Ready: I can ready myself for the day pretty quickly when I need to. Shower, Chloe outside, one cup of coffee, get dressed, grab my stuff and go. Now it does help that I prepare for the week on Sundays. My bag is packed, I have outfits picked out for the week, and I have some grab and go breakfast items ready. There are mornings, though, when I think, "Why the heck did I say yes?"

School Welcome: Once I get to school, I'm good to go. My attitude changes during the five-block drive. Greetings always make me smile. Kids always ask, "Who are you here for, Mrs. Day?"
My friends always ask, "Who are you today?" Most (not all) are excited to see me. Kids because I'm something new in their day. Staff because we're friends and get a chance to visit.
Sub Plans: These are always a crapshoot too. I like the detailed ones that include an answer key. The more info I have, the better job I do filling in. I know it's not always possible when you are calling in sick. This is just my preference.

I love seating charts made with pictures--or just an alphabetical listing of kids with their pictures (many attendance programs will do this). It's so much easier to learn who kids are when you have their picture right in front of you. It also prevents the age-old sitting in someone else's spot trick that kids love to try with subs!

There's always one (or maybe two): There's always at least one kid during the day that's uncooperative. They lay their head on the desk and are probably sleeping. Or they argue the cell phone rule. They don't pay attention. They are mouthy. "We always do this." is their favorite response. When it comes time for the assignment, they don't want help but will sit and gripe that they don't get it and the teacher "never teaches anything".

I also get plenty of SSB's when subbing. I know they step up their game just for me. Touching each other, wrestling, throwing things. But they are also funny, helpful (when they want to be) and you know just where you stand with them.

I like it when my easy mornings are erased by a phone call...


  1. You have perfected the sub preparations - a phone call and you know the routine to follow. I am glad that subbing brings you joy.

  2. We have a large number of young new teachers available for substitute work around here, so we never seem to see retired colleagues any more. I miss this! I'd say you are more prepared for a day when you might not even get a call than some people are for their daily job! :)

    1. Aww. That's too bad you don't get to see the retired friends, but it is good experience for new teachers!

  3. I enjoyed reading about your preparation process! You definitely have it down to a science. When I worked as a sub, I eventually stopped accepting calls for middle and high school and would only sub for elementary. Even though high school is much more comfortable for me as a teacher, as a sub I loved elementary because the elementary teachers left such amazing lesson plans and the kids were so sweet! (The high school students were never sweet to me!)

    1. When I subbed 35 years ago, I took elementary classes. You kept busy and kids were glad to see you. Now, I just like the familiarity of high school kids.

  4. I’m glad you’re enjoying subbing. I’ve recently thought about subbing for a few people next year, but I’ll have a list of folks I won’t sub for. I also won’t go to every school. No elementary because I’m not doing bus or lunch or recess duty. How is Chloe handling your subbing?

    1. I am getting to the "I'll sub here, not there" point. Most classes are pretty good though! I only sub at our high school. That's where I'm comfortable! Chloe is OK when I leave (she's usually still sleeping? and my husband is semi-retired, so he doesn't go to work until about 3!


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