Sunday, March 29, 2020

#SOL20 Day 29 Words That Are Speaking To Me

Let Me Grow Lovely

Let me grow lovely, growing old--
So many fine things do:
Laces, and ivory, and gold,
And silks need not be new; 
And there is healing in old trees, 
Old streets a glamour hold;
Why may not I, as well as these,
Grow lovely, growing old?
Karle Wilson Baker

These words found me earlier this winter and I keep returning to them time after time. That first line, "Let me grow lovely, growing old--"
has become almost a mantra in the last couple of months. I repeat it often when I feel the grumpy old lady creeping into my brain when I gripe about the weather or the quarantine. I'm working daily on 
"Grow lovely, growing old"

I'm trying to be more patient than when I was younger. I know everything happens in its own time and place.

I move slower than I did when I was younger, but in my slower moves, I notice more--buds on the trees, tulips poking through the ground, people's actions and reactions.

I appreciate the world around me a little more--quiet moments, really good food, time spent with family and friends, handwritten notes.

I try to put myself in other's shoes before judging them. And that can be tough at times

I let things go easier now. Things that really don't matter.  If it doesn't matter a year from now...

I'm trying, really trying to "grow lovely, growing old."


  1. This is my goal, too. I appreciate the gentleness of your post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really enjoyed this poem and your responses. :)

  4. Such great advice here for how to approach life at EVERY age! I appreciated your wisdom and the reminder, especially, to let things go.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...