Monday, March 16, 2020

#SOL20 Day 16. Signs of Spring

It's dark and dreary here in NE Iowa. Ugh. And it sure doesn't help anyone's mood in this time of "that which will not be named".

But, it is a good time to spring clean--which I'll do if I can get myself on a schedule!

And of course, we have to look outside for those signs of spring we've been waiting for all winter! So I was pretty happy checking on my tulips today. They are doing pretty well, even though they've been snowed on twice. Maybe they're like the robins and have to be snowed on three times before they'll bloom!

Almost all the "snirt" piles are gone around town. This little one is one of the few we have left in our yard. A few more warmish days and they will be gone. The mud will be here. But the "snirt" will be gone.

And inside the house? The geranium that I saved last fall and brought in has buds on it. It means the sun is getting warmer (when it shines) and the weather is getting nicer!

I will definitely be ready for nicer weather and warmer temps!


  1. Yay! Spring! So nice to see those signs appearing.

  2. Spring takes it's own time, each little promise brightens our days. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm so excited to see flowers! Thanks!


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