Monday, March 2, 2020

#SOL20 Day 2. Things I've Learned

Things I've Learned (and need to remember) Since 2011 About the March Challenge 

This should be my tenth year of the Slice of Life Challenge, but instead, it's my ninth, because last year, I wrote four posts and then quit. Really quit. 

I didn't write again for months.

When I was deciding whether or not to slice again this March, I made all kinds of lists, wrote about it, did everything I could to talk myself out of it.

But here I am.

And here's what I've learned (and need to remember):

  1. It's fun. Yes, it's some work. It can be frustrating at times. But mostly, I really enjoy writing and connecting with others.
  2. I look at the world differently during March. Everything that happens (or doesn't happen) is a possible slice. Conversations with friends, a drive to school, spending time with Chloe...they all can turn into tomorrow's post.
  3. Comments matter. It sounds kind of shallow, but I like getting comments from others, and when I don't, I wonder if I really have anything worth saying.
  4. Comments beget comments. In order to receive comments from others, you have to comments on their blogs. And soon, you have a little slicing group. I'm still connected with those from my first couple of years, even those who don't slice anymore.
  5. It's fun to go back and read what I've written in the past. Those old posts remind me of who I was, remind me of favorite memories, and remind me why I love to write.
  6. I'm going to hit a roadblock and find it hard to write. I'll just have to push through it. I've made some lists of ideas and I have my notebook full of pages that can be turned into slices. I have the resources.
  7.  I'm better when I write in the morning. It's too easy for me to put writing off if I wait until the end of the day.
  8. The more I write, the more I have to say. Usually, when I'm slicing in March, I just want to keep writing. That's where my notebook and #100daysofnotebooking will come in handy. I can just keep writing.
  9. There are lots of great mentor texts out there. One thing about reading other posts, is they inspire you. Suddenly, your mind has more ideas to write about or ideas to copy. And imitation is a great form of flattery.
  10. When all else fails--FALL BACK POSTS! Those quick little lists, the party game, any of those can be a post when you have not enough time or nothing to say.


  1. Your post is SPOT ON! I feel like I notice "things" all day long and live differently when I know I need to blog every day. It's always hard and ALWAYS challenging and there is a part of me who thinks I shouldn't participate since I am semi retired, but I am doing this for ME this year. Thanks for the comments, too. They are always encouraging.

    1. Being retired was the reason I kind of quit writing. But I realized I missed it. So here I am.

  2. Glad to see you jumped in, however, I will be watching from the sidelines. Great advice to all!

  3. I read and nodded, read and nodded even more. I sign your list whole heartedly. The roadblock is a hologram, it looks real and we can go through it.

  4. I found myself nodding along with all of these! What you say about commenting is so important. Receiving them does feel good--and if we want to receive, we need to leave abundant comments. I remember last year being asked by some slicers how in the world I get so many comments on my blog. I leave even more! That's how! So glad you're back this year because I missed you last year!

  5. I started to comment by number, but then I realized I like every number!

  6. I agree with all ten things on this list! This might be a post to come back to...say around day 15!

  7. Love this! I agree with all of it. I love the way I look at the world in March! And so true about commenting! Thanks for all these fun reminders!

  8. Love the visual! Comments keep us going, mentor texts inspire us, and fall back posts keep us going when things get tough. Thanks for these reminders.


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