Saturday, March 28, 2020

#SOL20 Day 28. If This Isn't Nice...

Uffda. It's been a week, hasn't it?
Cases of coronavirus increase daily. I think in lots of places, tensions are running high and spirits are running low. I've been working really hard keeping track of all those little moments that bring me JOY.

This week, I'm just going to make a list:

1. Last Saturday was a day of music and joy. We watched a couple of friends play and share their music. Then we found out that the Grand Ole Opry was live-streaming a show, so I hooked my computer up to the TV so we could watch. And because we wanted to end the night with music, we watched the last episode of Ken Burn's country music series that we recorded.

2. My weekly outing to the grocery store yielded TOILET PAPER! I don't think I've ever been so excited to buy a package of toilet paper, but after the empty shelves of a week ago, this was really nice to see. The shelves were stocked well in all areas. Our grocery store is doing an amazing job throughout this whole thing.

3. Video chatting is becoming my favorite thing. We can't be together, but it sure is nice visiting with family this way!

4. Our little town has also started a Bear Hunt. If you haven't heard about it, people in the community put bears of all shapes and sizes in their windows and yards. Then when people are out walking with their kids or dogs, they can "hunt" for the bears. Plans are to switch out bears for eggs on April 1st.

5. Daily walks with Chloe are so good for my soul. She's as happy as we are to get outside and move. I check for bears and signs of spring. She sniffs everything in her path for the mile we walk. I've also started carrying an extra bag when we walk. I slip one on my hand and I can pick up trash while we walk. Might as well do something good for the world while I'm out enjoying it!

6. The stimulus package passed through Congress. Deposits or checks will be coming soon they tell us. In my family, I know this money will be a big help as we live through this pandemic.

Well, those are the big things this week. I think next week I'm going to start writing them in my notebook each day. I want to be more intentional in this habit.


  1. Thanks for the reminder to choose joy.

  2. Thank you for finding the JOY! It is vital!

  3. I have to admint that I was quite joyful this week when I snagged toilet paper too! We have finally had some nice days to walk outside, and I am so glad. Maybe "If this isn't nice..." could take the place of Ruth's celebration posts! I miss those!

    1. Leigh Anne, I've been thinking the same thing! I'll figure the logistics.

  4. Joy is a good thing during this time, it's hard to find, but once found, it's worth it's weight in gold! Thanks for helping us remember that sometimes, we need to stop and seek it out too! :)

    1. Darin, I've always thought your posts share a lot of JOY!

  5. Capturing gratitude brings joy and builds resilience. I ma glad you found several things that brought you joy.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Terje. I always love your posts and your instagram posts for their JOYfulness. I love visiting them

  6. I am going to try to follow your example and start making a list several times a week of what's bringing me joy or what I'm grateful for. What a lovely community activity in the bear hunt! I just love that! I have a feeling that the same few things will be on my list every time, but I think that's ok. It's good to know what's essential in life!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

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