Saturday, March 7, 2020

#SOL20 Day 7. The Land of the Internetless

I always think I'd be fine without internet--or at least limited access--until I plan a trip to my 85-year-old mom's house.

No internet. Thinks it's stupid.

Although she would like to check out Netflix and maybe Facebook. She'd like to see what the grandkids are up to. And it might be nice to be able to do some banking online. Someone would have to help her get started, though. But, then she'd have to buy a computer and get internet. And she just doesn't have the money for that. She does. She just doesn't want to pay for those things.

Now, this is a woman I have written out step-by-step directions for how to run her DVD player--including which remotes she needs to use--and how to get back to regular TV. I don't think I'm ready for the internet questions.


I'm writing a post quickly before I head out and tomorrow's post will be later in the day. I also won't be able to comment much. Not that I couldn't do it on my phone, but Mom would get after me for being on my phone so much!  Just easier to wait until I get home tomorrow night.

Moms!  Gotta love 'em and their internetless existence.


  1. Gotta love ‘em and cherish all the time we get with them. No internet is a small thing in comparison. It would be way too much to tackle those directions!

    1. Yep. Between weather and health, we haven't seen her since Christmas. So this was a good weekend.

  2. Internet free time might be surprisingly good. I hope you and mom will have a lovely time together.

    1. We did have a lovely time. Just nice to sit and visit with no distractions!

  3. In some ways, I would dislike being "internetless." On the other hand, it might be quite nice to be off-line for a while... Enjoy your visit with your mom!

    1. It's not so bad when I get there. And it is nice to visit without distrations!

  4. My mom is not quite 85, but very similar dislikes! Mine also has remote problems. I am sure the cable company would love to block her number! I hope you ennjoyed your visit with her.

    1. We had a great visit. Also, got to spend time with my sisters.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...