Sunday, March 15, 2020

#SOL20 Day 15. If This Isn't Nice...

For all the news of coronavirus and the cancellations because of it, I've still managed to find some pretty nice things in my world. I think it's going to be more important than ever to keep track of joyful moments. 

The best of the week was, of course, our son getting engaged. His fiance is a great addition to our family and she makes my son extremely happy. Which makes my husband and I very happy. I'm not sure I've quit smiling since Thursday!

We left our son's and went to check out the lake. We had to see what the snow situation was. Almost all of it is gone! That means lake time is not far away. We also met with lake friends, fixed dinner together and had a great visit! It was so good to be with them and just have a fun night.

Today I spent fixing chicken and noodles and Amish Friendship bread. Definitely comfort foods, but it seemed liked comfort has been called for!

Our governor has called for schools to be closed for a month. I guess I won't have to worry about subbing and can get to some of those projects I've been putting off. They will definitely keep me busy! 
  • Chloe will get more long walks in
  • I'll use the cleaner I bought for the kitchen cupboards. Maybe I won't paint them!
  • The basement could definitely use cleaning out
  • I still have pictures that need to be put into albums
  • My TBR pile is quite large, so no problems there
  • I have another closet to paint
  • There's still the rest of the month for blogging
  • #100daysofnotebooking will also keep me busy
  • I can get the deck ready for warmer days
I'm sure I'll keep adding to this list and to my list of joyful moments. I hope you are finding your own "If this isn't nice" moments.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like you've got some fun days ahead. Enjoy all this wonderful down time with your husband and family!!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...