Tuesday, March 17, 2020

#SOL20 Day 17. Things I Love About My Life

Today I turn 63. I don't feel much different than I did at 40. In fact, a few things have shocked me lately.

  • I am one of the "older Americans" at risk for Covid19
  • I can shop early at some of the stores that are doing special hours for the "elderly"

So I decided today I needed to make a list of the things I love about life right now!
  1. Senior discounts. First Tuesday of the month at the pharmacy, hotel discounts, movie theatre discounts...
  2. Early bird specials!
  3. Being retired. I can plan my days just how I like. And if I don't get my list done? Well, there's always tomorrow.
  4. People think because I'm old, I'm wise. I'm not. They just think I am.
  5. My hubby and I are the "cute" old couple now.
  6. Technology. I grew up with party lines. Now I can Facetime with a friend across the world and my grandkids!
  7. Also, technology--the internet makes connecting to the world so easy. And who doesn't need connections of any kind today!
  8. Plants and flowers of any kind--even fake ones in my windowsill when it's too early for real ones.
  9. Not exchanging presents with my husband anymore and instead, investing in "experiences". Concerts, vacations, plays are all better than more things. 
  10. Now I can go early to shop at many stores!
  11. Buying myself presents.
  12. My kids think I'm really old so they worry about me.
  13. Wine every day is good for me.
  14. Netflix.
  15. Chloe is getting as old as me and doesn't need quite so many walks!
  16. A husband who will cook me a good steak when all the restaurants are closed, even though he can't eat one.
  17. Facebook, Two Writing Teachers, and #100daysofnotebooking. Seriously. these are my connections right now. Thanks for checking in!


  1. Happy birthday! Your list is an inspiration during a tough time--so many things to enjoy.

  2. Happy Birthday! That’s a good list.

  3. Deb, Happy Birthday. This list is a gift. It’s very similar to the one I’d create. I’d add to my list not having to be a young person dealing w/ corona. I am happy not to be referred to as “the cute old couple.” People are shocked when they learn how old Ken is (72) because he’s so active and looks about ten years younger.

  4. Happy birthday! Your list is long, which requires much gratitude!

  5. I love a list slice, and this was a treat to read. I know what you mean about leaning on those online connections right now. There are so many things to love about your life right now!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

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