Saturday, March 31, 2018

{solsc} 31/31 #sol18 . So Long. Farewell.

So here we are. 31 Days of Slicing is over. For some, they won't post again until next March. And that's OK.

Keep writing.

Others will continue to slice and post on Tuesdays. And that's good.

Keep writing.

Some won't post anywhere, but they will write. I love that.

Keep writing.

Writing is important no matter when and where you do it. 

Keep writing.

I've been writing most every day since January and now it's a habit. A good habit. So tonight, inpreparation for April, I've found some new writing prompts to add to my writer's notebook pages (I HATE a blank notebook page when I sit down to write.) 

In my daily writing habit, I've discovered a few things:
  • I write better and more consistently when I write in the morning. I have a morning brain and I know that. I need to schedule the time and just write.
  • I write better when I have a plan or a prompt. So tonight, inpreparation for April, I've found some new writing prompts to add to my writer's notebook pages. I do not want to face blank notebook pages.
  • I want to start a new way of writing for me and try taking pictues and captioning them on instagram. My favorite people to follow on Instagram write more than two words to describe their pictures.
  • I really like comments and to get them, I have to visit my blogging friends and comment. This needs to be part of my daily writing habit.
  • I have quite a few other little writing projects I want to tackle: real letters to friends, starting some heritage scrapbooks and write what I know in them.
  • Tuesdays and Saturdays are must days for me to publish blog posts.
  • The daily reminder from my #TeachWrite tribe keeps me motivated to write (check them out on Facebook )
Thanks to all who commented, thanks to all who motivated. It was a wonderful month. 


  1. Way to keep the writing inspiration! Me? I'm ready for a break this year. I also want to take more photos. I did that a lot more this month and that helped me with slice ideas. I'm on Instagram, but mostly lurk and read. Perhaps that's where I can explore more writing opportunities with my photos. I look you up! :) Happy to be writing with you again and thanks for the comments too. They do mean the world to me!

  2. Writing is important no matter when and where you do it.- LOVE this line! Writing fulfills us in a variety of ways and each of us connect through the power writing holds for us.

  3. Keep writing. I have felt comfortable with my Tuesday and Saturday blogging routine, not feeling guilty if I skip occasionally. See you soon!

  4. Thank you, Deb, for being that person that others can watch and say, "I can do that." Between your comments and posts, you show how the style and craft of writing can pull your reader in, and keep them.

    And yes, I'll keep writing! :)

  5. I've found over the past years that writing is important and fulfilling to me. I always appreciate your comments and look forward to reading more of your slices. Let's all keep writing!

  6. It's great to see you here and to hear about your daily writing habit. I still need to do that. I can meet the deadlines for blog posts (there's that outer accountability again), but need to do better at writing just for me. I'm inspired by the way you're adding prompts to your notebook pages.

  7. Many good ideas here. So encouraging for all kinds of writers! See you on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


3/17 I'm So Lucky

  I'm so lucky to have a birthday on St. Patrick's Day☘️ Everyone likes to celebrate my birthday (even if they don't like green ...