Saturday, March 30, 2013

#30 of 31 2 Days/3 Stories/No pictures

Oh No!  I have plans for 3 different blogs posts, but they all involve pictures with the stories!  I don't have my card reader with me. The stories need the pictures.

What's a blogger to do?

Even Chloe's story I can't do yet.


I think I'm going to have to post past tomorrow.

Well, Tuesday is coming.

And it wouldn't hurt to post on Monday.

And there might be more stories since we are still with the grandkids.


I'll just wait.


  1. I feel like this about my slices sometimes too! They go better with pictures...but wait, I didn't take pictures...or wait, the pictures are on my real camera instead of my phone or iPad. You have a slice of inner conversation here :). Yes, keep writing...even past tomorrow. We can't wait for the pictures and the other stories! Have fun with the grandkids!

  2. Looking forward to seeing more of any of it, Deb. Hope you're having a great family weekend!

  3. I feel like I have more to write about to. There were days when I could not think of a thing to write about or didn't feel like I had enough time to write something of quality. Not it is coming to an end and I have more to say. Keep writing. I want to keep reading what you have to say.

  4. I had to break what I wrote for today into two posts. I'll probably post it tomorrow, but I've come to the conclusion that tomorrow isn't the end. More about that later. I'll check back later next week to read your posts!

  5. What a delicious dilemma--too many stories, not enough challenge left. This slice is a tease. I like that there is a promise of more to come.

  6. Stories will wait, slicers will wait. Tell your story when you are good and ready (and have pictures, if needed).

  7. Looking forward to the stories and the pictures. Enjoy those grandchildren!

  8. I'm with you Deb. It's so hard to write without the right pic...

  9. One of my goals for spring break was to take some pictures to use with my slices. But I haven't done it. Not yet anyway! Happy Easter! Happy grandkids!

  10. Sometimes those pictures mean so much more than the words that are written with them. I'm looking forward to more slices (with or without pics). Happy Easter and enjoy your family.


3/17 I'm So Lucky

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