Sunday, March 3, 2013

#3 of 31. Writing JOY

Join me for the Slice of Life March Challenge at
Two Writing Teachers

JOY. My One Little Word for 2013. And since the beginning of the year I've intentionally looked for those little things that bring JOY to my life.

Grandkid hugs
Chloe's spirit
Passion in my speech kids
the growing reading lives of my freshmen
new babies
old friends

All of them have given me little moments of JOY. But all of them were given TO me. 

I haven't created the JOY.

SOLSC gives me a chance to create my own joy, because, you see, writing gives me JOY.

I  play with words

I try new forms

I explore ways to use text

but mostly

I  use my words to share a moment

So, here's hoping that others enjoy what I write and can feel the JOY I do as I write these slices.

Here's a little Twitter poem I wrote back in January as I wrote with my kids. It's also how I felt when I first joined this challenge:

Afternoon in Creative Writing
Must write my life
In front of an audience.
No place to hide.
Be vulnerable.
Just write.


  1. I really like how you have a word for the year! What a great way to look for the positives!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Krista. One Little Word is something that Ali Edwards started (I think) and Ruth and Stacey have talked about on their blog. There's lots going on in my life that would make it easy to be negative. I needed a word to remind me of all that is good.

  2. I so needed to read this...I am feeling overwhelmed and joyless...but now I have renewed energy. Thanks Deb!

    1. Glad it helped, Tara. I've been working hard at finding the JOY this year. Sometimes I just have to write it down!

  3. Deb, I don't do twitter enough, so never thought of writing a 'twitter' poem-how great to put all that in 140 characters. You do bring me joy, in all the parts of your life that you share! Thank you!

    1. Linda, I did them with my students. 140 characters. Takes a little of the stress away from writing "real" poetry.

  4. I don't mean to be argumentative :) but I must say that the list you give at the beginning of this piece is comprised of things that you have played a big role in creating. The joy you reap from your friends, your children and grandchildren, the speeches, all of it, is at least partially the joy you've created around you. Thanks for adding to my joy by writing.

  5. It is no mistake that you are surrounded by joy! I realized yesterday after posting my comment that those were your speech kids, not your creative writing class...however with you it is ALL creative writing!

  6. Joy is really a circuit -- it is given to us because we are open to it, and because of that we feel (as you so rightly do) that we need to give to others. Great reflection, Deb!

    I also have to point out a happy coincidence of history -- the ancient poetic from of haiku fits like a glove into the modern invention of twitter! :)

  7. Joy within and around you. You and Chloe have made the joy of writing clearly visible on this blog.

  8. Deb, you give joy every day of your life - to your family, to Chloe, to your kids at school and to each one of us thru your slices. The move joy you (we) give, the more joy you (we) receive. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.

  9. What a neat exercise for you and your students. Choosing joy results in spreading joy. Thanks.

  10. I'm just sayin' I experience JOY every time I get to read a post by you. I love peeking into your life at the lake, with Chloe, or in your class. You create joy when you write.

  11. I love this joyful slice and especially the poem that illustrates the things that bring joy to you.

  12. Your joy always comes through in your writing, Deb! I liked the snippets of things that bring you joy. The picture at the end is great, too!

  13. Had to visit - joy is my word of the year.
    Love the idea of creating your own joy. For me it is art.
    Love your poetry. Your final joy poster is dead on!

    1. Can't take credit for the poster. I found it on Pinterest :)

  14. It's a JOY to read your writing!

  15. I love the way you approach the task of writing, with joy. Sometimes I approach the keyboard with dread as I bring up thoughts and feelings that lie underneath the surface or as I toil on what to write. You, Deb, are a woman of joy. Love your spirited writing.

  16. Deb,
    I love how you talked about joy given to you and not created by you. I've never really thought about it like that. It seems some people find joy in everything and others struggle to find it all.

    Like you, I find joy in writing. There's joy in trying to find the perfect words to tell a story. There's joy in remembering and recording something long forgotten as it resurfaces.

    This is a challenge that brings JOY. Thanks for the reminder,

  17. So grateful for your post. I too have chosen a "one word" for 2013, but in the busyness of life, I've forgotten to slow down and reflect. Your slice has reminded me to pause and listen!

  18. Your writing does bring me joy! Thank you for sharing your risk taking and being vulnerable with us! We are so luck to have your inspiration!

  19. Someone else commented that your joy always comes through in your writing. I totally agree. I don't know all that many teachers who would find such delight in visits from the A&W Root Bear and Tiny Tim (all in one day, no less!) Reading your posts always brings me great joy!


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