Friday, March 22, 2013

#22 of 31 Just a Reminder

I've been reveling in the comments I'm getting from some of my students and some who aren't my students but know I have books...

"I don't read. But this is a good book. I liked it." (A freshman boy who read The One and Only Ivan)
"Isn't she done yet?"  (One of many waiting for The Diviners)
"What was the name of that book again?"  (The Diviners again. I'm going to post my review tomorrow)
"Mrs. Day, what should I read next?" (I need to work on getting them to make choices independently!)
"I've read more in two months than I read all of middle school" (sad, isn't it)
"Can we please just read all class period?"

I think I'm pretty good most of the time.

But today, one comment reminded me that although more kids are reading, there are still a few....

"Mrs. Day, I need a book."
"What? Do you just sit home and read on Friday night?"

The student handled it well, but it reminds me

There is work to be done....


  1. It takes time, sometimes years, to develop a reader. Keep on doing it.

  2. There are the easy ones, the ones who gobble up any book you give them. Then there are the ones who still need work. But we keep after them, don't we? I like to be known as the teacher "who got my child to love reading." I hear that echoed in your post.

  3. So true! I hate it when I can't find "that book" for a student. With almost 130 students on my team, I am always afraid that the quieter ones will slip through the cracks.

    Haunts me.

  4. Elle's right --- it does take years to develop a reader. If I know your personality, I believe you're the right girl for the job :). Just wait!!

  5. You are honored...I read these comments and think...they know you love books, they know you have them, they know you will help guide them to a good are impacting their world!

  6. You are doing a wonderful job, Deb! I just know you will reach that student somehow! Even if he/she doesn't blossom fully into a reader this year, you have certainly planted some important seeds! (At least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself about my reluctant fake-readers who are still left...)

  7. And to answer the final question posed, You don't? (of course there should be an incredulous look in the speaker's eyes)
    I know you feel good about all those who clamor for the books. You do an amazing job of inspiring kids to be the best.

  8. Thanks all. I will get to them. It just takes the right book.

  9. I hear those same comments in my classroom. I want to turn them all into readers, but I worry about the ones who don't quite make the leap. I hope they will encounter other teachers who will continue to work with them. Keep up the good work!

  10. I love when students ask about books, and I equally love when they are surprised that I also read at home. And so, we continue to install the love of reading in our students.

  11. I love reading your posts. Always walk away so grateful that there are actually teachers like you in high schools! And as always, sure wish you lived in Denver and taught at my boys' high schools!

    1. Carol, I'm really sorry you don't have teachers that inspire your boys. It makes me sad--it takes hard work and passion to even begin to work with older kids. I'm far from perfect and make many mistakes. But, I don't give up and maybe that's the difference.

  12. Love to hear these snippets. Keep pushing the book love! They will remember you for this.

  13. I have a girl in my class who just this past week...FINALLY...found THE book! Hatchet! And she's off to Brian's River now! Can't wait to talk to her after Spring Break! What a great feeling! Thanks for reminding me to keep after the rest of them as well.

    1. LOve it. I think it's why I love series books. Once a kid reads the first and likes it, the next book is easy to find.

  14. *sigh* there is always work to be done...but even the fact that you are attuned to comments like this is a sign that an astounding amount of book love is being spread!

    1. One kid at a time, Christy. One kid at a time...

  15. I'm still wishing my grandson will move to your town when he gets to high school. I see there's work to be done, but the fact he asked you for a suggestion seems to be a big step. Good ending!

  16. I love everything about this post. The kids really rely on you! You're doing so much to help them, student-by-student, to build a reading life.


3/17 I'm So Lucky

  I'm so lucky to have a birthday on St. Patrick's Day☘️ Everyone likes to celebrate my birthday (even if they don't like green ...