Wednesday, March 1, 2023

1/31 #solsc Hello, Again!

Years ago, I was a regular here at TWT. I wrote every Tuesday. I loved the March challenge.I felt most myself when I wrote frequently. In those days, this blog was know as Coffee With Chloe and I had a little help writing  from our dog, Chloe.

But Chloe passed away in a few years ago, and I had a hard time coming back to this blog. So, awhile back,  I renamed the blog Stories With Sophie in honor of our new pup. But the writing hasn’t come.

I’ve gone back and forth about blogging again for a week or so. I haven’t joined in on the March fun for three years. I just didn’t believe I had anything to say. In the past, I was a teacher of writers who also wrote. I believed that all I wrote about were my students and my classes. 

But, yesterday, I took a trip down memory lane and read many of my March posts. It was kind of like visiting with an old friend. And I wrote about a lot more than school. There were posts about Chloe, the grandkids, the weather, the lake, and friends. I had a lot of to write about, and I will again. I just have to pay attention.

And as I read, I started to get the “bug”. When I found this post, I knew I had to try again.

And, today, March 1st, I feel the same excitement and apprehension I did in 2011. Today it starts. Today I reconnect with my blog and my first writing community.

I can’t wait to see who is here!


  1. This makes me smile! This was my first community as well and where I "met" so many wonderful , including you and Ruth and Elsie and Linda and so many others. Let's do this!

  2. How wonderful to see you here. It is interesting to look back at the writing and see how we have changed and what are some things that stay the same. May the March bring sweet surprises!

    1. Thanks, Terje. I’m glad your re here!

  3. Happy to see you here. It is interesting to look back at the slices and see how we have changed and how some things have stayed the same. May the March bring you sweet surprises!

  4. I found you and Sophie, who is absolutely adorable! This will be a fun month of writing. :)

  5. So thankful you are here! I have always so enjoyed reading your posts. I sometimes feel I have already told the important stories of our lives - but there is always something new if we look! Writing makes me more aware. Reading others' work helps me too. Looking forward to reading more from you!

  6. So glad you are here! I look forward to reading more from you, as it inspires me. Writing helps me be more aware of things I might otherwise miss. It will be a good month!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking in. I’m ready for a new start!

  7. This is Diane, newtreemom… wordpress and blogspot don’t always seem to connect…
    Of course. I remember Chloe. (Our cat shared the name… although she appeared in the blog as “Her Fluffiness”. She, too, passed on a few years ago. Welcome to Sophie and welcome back to you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Diane. It’s great to have old friends check in!

  8. Yes, I have those same feelings of excitement and apprehension. Like you when I reviewed my slices, I realized I wrote about lots of things going on in my life and it indeed felt like memory lane. Thanks for sharing. Let's do this!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I’m ready!

  9. Glad you are back! I am a little nervous this time around, but while reading some of the other posts, I too got the "bug."

    1. The power of positive peer pressure gets us every time!

  10. Deb, I’m thrilled you’re back. I’ve missed you, and I miss Chloe. I’m excited to meet and hear from Sophie. You may have noticed I changed my blogging platform and name, for some of the same reasons you mention. Also, our beloved Puck passed in November. I hope you’ll find my friend Barb Elder’s blog. She’s an Iowan, too, and a mostly retired teacher.

    1. Yours was another name I was so happy to see! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Glad I can leave a comment today. Excitement and apprehension! That sums up our month perfectly. Welcome back. Looking forward to some Sophie stories!

  12. Hi Deb, I couldn't 'not' comment after all the past reading others. It is wonderful to see everyone's names who are still writing in March. I simply don't have the time anymore but hope you have fun this month with all those past bloggers, still going!

  13. OMG YAY!!! I was just thinking how much I missed your writing!!!!!!!!!! (I actually didn't see this yesterday and came here to link in my post that I'm drafting that I missed you... and got SO EXCITED when I saw you'd written this!!!) I'm sooooo happy to "see" you here again! <3 <3 <3 I know how hard it was for you to come back to this place after Chloe passed away, and I'm so glad you've found your way back. (It's so funny that you wrote about how reading your old posts was like visiting an old friend - that's exactly the idea of the post I'm drafting right now!) So good to see you!!!!!!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...