Friday, March 10, 2023

10/31 #sol23 I Got Nuthin'


Seems about right. March 10, and the "I ain't got nuthin to write about" blues are here.

I wrote about my plants yesterday, for crying out loud.

I can't keep writing about Sophie--that would get boring. Although, she's been pretty cute lately.

Haven't seen the grandkids recently, so I can't write about them. Although, I love schools that livestream events because we did get to watch one of the kids' jazz choir concert the other night!

Maybe I could write a poem about spring or the snowstorm that wasn't yesterday.

We're meeting some lake friends tomorrow afternoon, but I guess that will be a post next week. Lake time is coming up! But I'm not ready to write about that.

I searched through my Blogging and Journaling board on Pinterest. 

Still nothing.

Looked through my notebook.

Still nothing.

So, this will do for today and I'll worry about tomorrow, well, tomorrow!


  1. There is usually one, and sometimes more, day during the month when I can't think of anything new to write so I just end up writing about nothing. It's still writing.

    1. That's what I thought. Sometimes I think I overthink what to write about!

  2. Writing about nothing is pure fun. You seemed to master this, Deb. It is great to connect with you again.

  3. I am struggling with the same today! I've got not ideas!

    1. Really, I have some fun fill in the blank kind of things that work for a post. I just didn't feel like writing them today.

  4. Everyone has these days. They get less scarier with years. It is funny that sometimes these posts are longer than regular slices. Please don't offend Sophie, she never gets boring. :)

    1. I was waiting for it! There were more comments on this than anything else this March. I think we all experience it. You just have to write through it!

  5. Did you watch Melanie's little video about the meet-ups for Slicers in today's Two Teachers Challenge Post? I am still going strong, but I am intrigued by the idea of talking with other slicers. I appreciate the "I Got Nothin'" feeling. Thank goodness there's a community here to help! Hang in there. Who knows what will happen today?

    1. I'm not too worried. I have a few back-up posts on hand.

  6. As you see from the other comments, you are not alone. It feels like the embodiment of "the journey is the destination" and today "nothing" got you pretty far.

  7. Deb, Isn't writing about not having anything to write about writing about something? And what would you say to students who say, "I don't have anything to write about?" You got this, my friend.

    1. I was purposeful about it today. I have a long list of ideas, just didn't feel like writing about any of them.

  8. Yes! I can so relate! I had nothing yesterday, which really worried me because it was only March 9. That's a lot of March left to write through! But we'll figure it out. I love your choices for writing through nothing by going through all the topics you might normally write about and why they wouldn't work. So clever!

    1. I know. It is early, but I have back up ideas that I'll write about eventually

  9. And yet this slice was still so engaging! I think the inclusion of the Charlie Brown image helped it because then I read the whole thing in his voice. You still found SOMETHING to write about, even in writing about nothing.

  10. Yes, writing about nuthin' with style, you did! I learned some things about you through this post!

  11. Your post was honest and funny. Thanks for keeping it real.


3/17 I'm So Lucky

  I'm so lucky to have a birthday on St. Patrick's Day☘️ Everyone likes to celebrate my birthday (even if they don't like green ...