Thursday, March 1, 2012

Doin' A Happy Dance!

I'm doin' my happy dance because today is March 1st and you know what that means!  It's the Slice of Life Challenge over at Two Writing Teachers!

Welcome to Coffee With Chloe!

Hi, I'm Chloe. Normally, I'm a pretty happy dog, but it's March. I remember what happened last year.  Deb ignored me for most of the month while she wrote in this silly challenge (Deb here. I wrote my thoughts about the Slice of Life Challenge a week or so ago. You can check it out here). Really, who wants to write--we should be going for walks, throwing the frisbee, getting rid of those pesky squirrels and birds that keep invading my yard!

But no. If she isn't writing on the computer, she'll be writing in her notebook or she'll be checking out writing sites looking for ideas (Deb again--I'm going to start a new page of sites I have found with writing ideas. Feel free to check it out!).  Geez. I'm lying right here. That should be plenty of inspiration!

But, no, she'll sit at the silly computer every morning now.  What's the big deal anyway?

Anyway, I'll fill you in a little bit about this silly blog.

Most of the year, Deb doesn't write every day, and she doesn't always write about me--even though its named after me. I just don't get that. I'm cute. I'm funny. And doggone it, people like me!  Most of the time it seems she writes about school--that reading and writing stuff. Sometimes she writes about the grandkids--they're almost as cute and funny as I am! Sometimes she writes about her kids at school. I don't know what makes them so great. And sometimes--well sometimes, she writes poetry. Yuck.

Well, that's about it for me.  I hope you come back again.  At least come back when she writes about me.  Hey--maybe I should write my own blog.  I could call it Digging with Deb or Doggin' Deb or... well, I'll get back to you on that.  See you soon!

Oh yeah. Leave a comment. She kind of likes that.


  1. Deb, you had me cracking up! I love hearing Chloe's thoughts - what a great first slice! Funny thing is . . . my husband would say the same thing while looking at me with those puppy dog eyes too!!!

    So glad we are doing the challenge together again! I look forward to your slices each and every day!

  2. Deb,you had me laughing out loud (and I don't do that too often as I read). Oh, poor Chloe! She is pitiful and I understand, but I am so glad you will hang out with me for the month. BTW this reminds me of the picture book Chester by Melanie Watt (check it out, it's funny!)

  3. I think Chloe should meet my Holly. They would have a lot in common! Holly is not feeling so left out right now...her tummy is full of pancakes (its a snow day tradition).
    Cute, Deb...I love it when I am surprised by a piece.

  4. What a great way to begin the challenge--with the infamous Chloe! I will be looking forward to Chloe's posts, too. Good luck to you and I'll be looking for those writing sites.

  5. Love it Deb, a chuckly way to start my day! You haven't written about Chloe (or in that voice) for a long time. Maybe it's time to have a weekly Chloe time! Thanks for the idea page. I've bookmarked a folder for that too, but didn't think about putting a page on my blog. I'm looking forward to the month with you!

  6. Oh poor Chloe! Her life is so hard! If only she knew how soothing writing was for you. And I love her blog titles!

  7. Dear Chloe,
    You should certainly start your own blog. I know a dog in Estonia who first started blogging and then published a book His owners keep a home restaurant. Unfortunately the book and blog are only in Estonian.õgivad_ja_blogivad/648212

  8. My Sophie has the same reaction to the click click clicking of the keyboard - heavy, resigned sighs. Terje is right, she she needs a blog all her own.

  9. If Chloe keeps getting positive reactions, I may not have a choice about letting her at least post more on my blog. I may have created a monster!

  10. A monster you have, haha. Getting Chloe's perspective was hilarious and made for a great way to start my day.

  11. Thoroughly enjoyed your post!! I'm sure as I get further along in this writing/reading/commenting "thing", Max (and my husband) will start looking at me with those puppy dog eyes and say "Hey, what about me!"

  12. I think regular posts by Chloe would be awesome! It's fun to try out a new voice. I'm thinking about how to use this in class. Thanks Deb. I enjoyed your first 'challenge' post of this year.

  13. hehe, soo cute! I love the picture -- the look on her face perfectly matches the tone of your post! What an enjoyable way to describe your writing life during the March challenge! I especially like how you described all the different things you do -- like gathering ideas -- in addition to just writing.

  14. I think Chloe definitely has great "voice" and would be a hit if she ever decides to start her own blog! Such a fun slice - it made me smile!

  15. As I type this comment, one of my charming pups is crying, literally whimpering for my attention. Oh, or maybe she just wants the bone that the other dog is playing with...

    I love Chloe's slices as much as I love yours :)

  16. I don't have a dog, but I will have stacks of marking that will be similarly neglected this month! :) Fun writing -- love the humor and spirit!

  17. Ha! Love the point of view change on this. My dog does the same thing. Although he usually gives up and just tries to cuddle up on my lap, all 70 pounds of him.



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