Sunday, February 12, 2012

Slice of Life

Writing for me was always a private act. I kept journals and diaries and wrote my life. I wrote poetry. I composed short stories and the beginnings of novels, sometimes in my head, sometimes on paper.

But I never, ever shared.

Until I joined the Slice of Life challenge last March.

Teaching writing for me was a private act. I assigned journal entries. I assigned poetry. I assigned short stories.

But they never, ever shared.

Until I joined the Slice of Life challenge last March.

I can honestly say I am a better writer and a better teacher of writers and readers than I was at this time last year. I take chances with my own writing and in my classroom that I wouldn't have taken before last year.  I encourage myself and my students to play around with words, to discover new genres, to build on their skills (thanks, Ruth for Discover. Play. Build.)

My personal writing is stronger because of the audience I write for.  My students' writing becomes stronger because of the audience they write for. Google Docs makes sharing easier, but it was Stacey and Ruth and the rest of the teachers I met through Two Writing Teachers that taught me the value of sharing, conferring and critiquing each other's work.

I am a better teacher and a better person because I write. I am much more reflective in my life. I am more honest about my life, both in and out of the classroom. I have grown as a human because I write.

18 days out, and I look forward to this challenge again. I look forward to seeing how this coming year will again change the way I write and teach. I look forward to new ideas.  I look forward to new ways of working with writers.

I look forward to seeing you. Join us. Take the plunge. Break out of your comfort zone. Try something new (Here's link to get your started! Gearing Up for the SOLSC).

March 1st. The Fifth Annual Slice of Life Challenge. Two Writing Teachers. Be there.

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
William Wordsworth


  1. Just . . . well said! It's been an amazing adventure. Not only did you become a better teacher and person, but you've helped me to be a better colleague, teacher and person as well! Thanks for always sharing!

    PS I think I'm more nervous this year than I was last year -- hoping I can write each and every day.

  2. I love that you're doing a countdown Deb!
    I'm so glad we "met" through the SOLSC. Can't wait to meet you in person someday. Glad you'll be back again this year.

  3. Wonderful way to explain it all, Deb. Thank you for being such a support for me, too, this past (almost) 12 months. Can you believe it? I'm excited & am really looking forward to March (for basketball too)!

  4. Well said - I too am looking forward to March

  5. Deb,
    This is beautiful. Thank you. I'm humbled and touched by your words. Today, as I was trying to convince a group of coaches to join the challenge, I brought up this post and said: "Here, read this and then tell me you don't want to join."

    Can't wait to get to know you more in March.

  6. Thank-you, Ruth, for sharing my post. I hope it inspired some!


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