Monday, April 4, 2011

What to Do Now?

I'm a little lost this morning. With no challenge, I feel like I don't have anything to write about. And contest speech is over, so there are no rehearsals to prepare for.  It's fourth quarter and classes are moving along swimmingly--sometimes I don't think my students need me.

So what's a teacher to do?

Sunset in Acapulcophoto © 2007 Esparta Palma | more info (via: Wylio)

I dream.

I dream of a summer filled with hot days and sunny skies,
Bad golf and cold beer,
Suntan lotion, and
"Grandma, can I go to the swings?"

Warm summer nights listening to the waves
singing me to sleep with their lullaby.
Waking to the song of birds calling me
to enjoy the day.
"Grandma, can we go swimming?"

Campfires that are to be enjoyed, not needed for warmth.
Cookouts with friends that are food for the soul
As well as the body.
"Grandma, can I stay with you?"

I dream.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes in this downward swing of time, schools do have a 'lull' about them & you captured it just right in this piece. Teachers take a moment from the lessons, & begin to look forward, sometimes even beyond summer to the next year, right? I like the repetition in your poem-keeping that grandchild thread!
    Deb, I deleted the earlier comment because I posted before I was finished-sorry!

  3. No problem--I have had to do that too! There is a lull....seems sometimes like I don't have a purpose....

  4. Yes, even in first grade it happens...they become ready to learn and settled in and they know where stuff is and how to do it...and I like to take mini minutes in the day and reflect on how far some individuals have come from that first day!
    Loved your poem about summer, Grandma!


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