Monday, April 18, 2011

The Robins Have Nothing on Us

For those of you who asked, "the slowest man in the world" was home ahead of me on Friday and ready to load and get going.  It was raining so hard and the forecast was so ugly, that had it not been our son's weekend off from work, we probably would have skipped the weekend altogether! As it was, we stayed at their house instead of the trailer---MUCH warmer!

The old piece of weather folklore that says it must snow three times on the robins before it's officially spring also holds true to the Sandbar crew--at least the souls hearty enough to venture there before Memorial Day. It snowed several times over the weekend and, wowza!, was it cold with 30+mph winds on Saturday.

But nothing deterred us from the move..

We bought my mother's trailer last fall when she decided she was selling. It's bigger, it's directly across from the beach and, for K and T,  the swings are within sight of Grandma and Grandpa's new trailer.
We spent Saturday afternoon hauling the "big stuff" to the new trailer. With three grandkids there, I didn't do as much as I would have wanted, but the weather was so crappy, I probably wouldn't have done all I wanted to anyway.

This weekend we'll finish up and I'll clean the old one before the new owners come up.  It will be bittersweet. We loved our old place and it holds lots of memories, but it doesn't hold six grandkids and their parents. So, we will move to the new place and fill it up with it's own memories, one memory at a time.


  1. It's still nice to hear about your weekend, even though the weather wasn't quite what you wanted. Happy new home, too.

  2. Welcome new memories! As spring and summer decide to stay, the flowers and trees will blossom leading to the growth of all those new memories!

  3. Lots of wind and rain on Saturday here, too. It sounds like you are going to have a great new place to continue the lake memories!


3/17 I'm So Lucky

  I'm so lucky to have a birthday on St. Patrick's Day☘️ Everyone likes to celebrate my birthday (even if they don't like green ...