Monday, April 11, 2011

How My Love Affair Reignited..

The last weekend of July, 2000 found my husband, our youngest son and myself traveling to the northwest corner of the state for a long weekend of camping with our long-time friends. This was a place I had many happy memories of as a kid.  One day, the guys decided to take the kids golfing, so Brenda and I took a road trip around the lake. We drove in and out of every little dirt road we saw, until we came to Sandbar Beach Resort.

As we drove through the resort, the first thing we saw was two trailers, side by side with FOR SALE signs in the windows. Brenda and I joked about buying them. We drove down the road. There were cozy cottages, a great little store and a beautiful beach. 

The guys laughed when we told them about the trailers for sale and this idyllic  place. My husband Greg said he knew we would come back with something to buy. We convinced them they at least needed to see the place. So that's what we did the very next day.

As we stopped in front of the trailers to look around, "The Sheriff" came out to greet us. He let us in one of the trailers and got someone else to open the other. We went inside to check out the trailer and taped on the side of a shelf  was a small piece of yellowed newsprint. It read, "There comes a time in our life when we have to be thinking about counting days and not dollars." As we walked around the outside of the trailer later,  I heard my husband say, "We could do this, you know." Before I knew it, we owned trailers on the lake.
4 generations at the lake--our son, my mother, granddaughter and myself. 2005
I swear its the quickest decision my husband has ever made!


  1. How wonderful! I can see that it is a real escape for you and your family! The quote on the newsprint was the perfect message you needed to hear! I love it! I look forward to hearing about your getaway to the lake...that is if you even get the internet. Maybe it would be better if you didn't! Totally disconnect from the world and enjoy!

  2. Great lead-in to your stories, Deb. It's such a lovely story and photo to see a bit of how much fun it must be.

  3. I love the background story. The yellowed newsprint message was perfect.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...