Saturday, March 7, 2015

{#sol15} 7/31 Celebrating the Weekend
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Someone said to me yesterday, the first Friday of the month, that they only saw one high school student wear their #CadetNation shirt. Our district, one that is widespread and in different buildings, tries to create community by designating the first Friday of the month by all of wearing shirts that share our story. 

And she was right. They didn't. 

BUT many of the spent the last weekend in February cheering our six wrestlers who were competing for state titles
THEN the next week, they cheered our girls basketball team as they worked their way to another state tournament. 
THEN Monday night, many of them drove two hours away to cheer our boys basketball team as they tried to make the state tournament.
THEN they spent this week celebrating and cheering on our girls basketball team as they played in the state tournament. They drove three hours away to fill our sections, they rode pep busses, they watched the live stream.
And in the midst of all that, many found time to wish my speech kids good luck as they participated in District speech last Saturday.

So, I guess I'm OK that they didn't wear the shirt.

Speaking of my speech kids....
They performed fantastically last Saturday. And of the 36 events that we entered at districts, 22 of them are moving on to State competition next Saturday. I was so proud of them.  But not as proud as I was Friday after school, when everyone wants to practice and I am trying to get things ready. They just practice and help each other. I'll be slicing about this next Friday.

Speech season is exhausting for me. And as much as I look forward to the start of it and enjoy doing it, by this time of year, I am ready for it to be done. But before it is, a special shout out to my husband. I can't thank him enough for doing the simple thing of making dinner. Most days he is the cook of the family. It's awesome to come home and find something in the crock pot or a note on the fridge about what's for supper. He's been a life saver.


  1. You have a lot to celebrate - not only at school, but at home too (Husbands are wonderful when they cook & do other things). You have every right to be proud of your speech students. That makes all the hard work and extra time worth the effort.

  2. So many ways kids are amazing to show support of each other. You have a bonus celebration in that husband who gets it and supports you in all you do.

  3. Wow, lots and lots to celebrate this week! I love that your kids are supporting and cheering for each other, and honoring ALL of the different strengths and successes. And thank heaven for a helpful husband!

  4. yay you, yay your sweet husband for really chipping in...xo nanc

  5. Love hearing about the ways your school support each other! What a busy couple of weeks. So lovely that your students helped each other! Good luck with your state competition next week.

  6. I'm w/ the kids regarding the shirts. I have many, but I don't like having my chest read; that means the shirts stay folded in the closet. Looking forward to seeing a pic of the hardware your kids win at state.

  7. Your post is very thoughtful about two topics that are connected. It's refreshing to read about your willingness to see beyond the t-shirts. Also, acknowledging your husband's role is great!

  8. You certainly put your heart and soul into this endeavor, Deb - and how special is it that your husband understands the time and effort it all takes.

  9. This is what celebration is all about--looking more deeply for the authentic reasons to celebrate (students supporting each other) in the face of obvious reasons not to celebrate (students not wearing spirit t-shirts) and looking for celebration in the ordinary (dinner). Hooray for your speech team! I enjoy vicariously being part of your speech team each year.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...