Wednesday, March 4, 2015

{#sol15} 4/31 Never Count on a Snow Day
Join us at Two Writing Teachers
for the March Slice of Life challenge.
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You know how it goes....

You are listening to the weather before dinner. There is a winter weather advisory listed for your town. Freezing rain, 2-4 inches of snow, 35 mile per hour winds.

All the ingredients needed for a 


Homework waits.

You give your body and soul a much needed night off, secretly making a to-do list for tomorrow.

You check your weather app before bed.  It says that the weather will start about 3:00am, with the worst weather arriving between 6:00am and noon. Another needed ingredient.

You sleep. 



You sleep.

The alarm goes off at 6:30am. You immediately realize there was no robo-call about school being called off--or even LATE!  You look out the window.

No sleet
   No snow
      No freezing rain

All that work you put off last night!  Arrrggghhhhhhh!

You shower. Read drafts with coffee. Comment on rubrics about yesterdays speeches. Figure you will use time throughout the day for grading other things. 

And in your head, the words of advice you gave to students yesterday echo, "Don't count on a snow day. Get your work done tonight."


  1. Oh no! How frustrating. I always felt like that when I overslept. So many things I plan on completing in that precise time I calculate in the morning. I can really feel the sense of panic in your writing.

  2. Yikes! I just hate it when I have to listen to my own good advice!:)

  3. Those darn weather forecasters - I hope they're wrong for us today. Not looking forward to freezing rain/sleet/snow. I'm so ready for spring. Sorry you didn't get your snow day!

  4. Ha! Aren't we all guilty of this?!? All the "ingredients" of a snow day, but did you cross your fingers? Say the snow chant? Wear your PJs backwards? Humph ... it's all your fault. Those are the other essential ingredients! :) Enjoy your day ... at school!

    1. You're right, MIchelle. I forgot the snow chant!

  5. Ha ha! Caught! I loved the turn in your lines. Hope you had a great day at school.

    1. I did have a great day...and got everything done, mostly because our girls basketball team played at state and most of our students were gone.

  6. So basketball, not snow/ice saved the day for you, LOL! I have learned not to trust those forecasters, especially when they go into hyper-mode. The more hyped up they get, the bigger disappointment in the weather. I hope today is the last day we see white falling from the sky.

    1. I don't usually trust them, Elsie. I think it was more a case of wishful thinking....

  7. We had the same thing here. Weather forecasters talked about all the ice we were going to get and we didn't even have a delay. But they made up for it tonight - just called with the announcement. Snow day tomorrow. Glad you got your work done!

  8. You make me laugh! Our joke is my school has a protective bubble over it. EVERYONE can be home and we make our way to school!

  9. This is going to be my night - I need a snow day, they are calling for that snow, but I fear that I will not be getting that 5 a.m. call. :(

  10. I still think you came out ahead if you were able to sleep deeply, without worrying. I had to chuckle at your realization in the morning, but that was still some sweet sleep!

  11. Oh my goodness! So true...the temp. never quite hit 32. We just got rain. I love how the structure of your writing led us to the inevitable ending.

  12. Oh my goodness! So true...the temp. never quite hit 32. We just got rain. I love how the structure of your writing led us to the inevitable ending.

  13. Yep! I've learned that we will have a snow day approximately once every five years, and I live in Idaho--in the mountains, at an elevation of nearly 4,000. I tell kids not to count on a snow day; I tell them that if we do have one, we stay on schedule as noted on the syllabus.

  14. Funny. Well, I understand it wasn't funny for you in the morning, but it is funny to read how adult approach is not very far off from the children's approach. I hope you will get one unexpected surprise snow day when you can just relax because you got all your work done the day before.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...