Saturday, March 14, 2015

{#sol15} 14/31 Celebrating Craziness, Performances and Love

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Today is my last speech competition of the year. It's 6:00am as I write this, sipping coffee, news playing quietly in the background.  I'm not going to lie to you. I'd rather be in bed.  Preferably at my son's where my husband and Chloe are sleeping. I'd wake up later. Have cuddles and cocoa with the grandkids while we talk about school.

Instead, I will board a school bus at 7:15 and ride for an hour and a half to our contest site. Kids will laugh and giggle the whole way. The early performers will run through their pieces quietly, while the nerves begin to tickle the brain. I'll probably doze a bit, snapping awake as I wonder if I forgot something.

And here's where the celebration comes in....
As each of my kids performs, I'll be there, proudly waiting to give them a hug or a high five, reminding them how far they have come since they began performing. 

It will be bittersweet as I listen to my seniors perform for the last time. I'm so proud of the people that they have become and I know in a small way, speech has helped shape them. I'll look at freshmen and wonder if I'll still be teaching when they are seniors and have this feeling about them.

I'll laugh at the silliness of the day and watch as they meet up with friends from other schools or make new friends. I'll encourage the underclassmen to get out of the gym and go watch some events they might want to try next year.

As we head home, my brain will be tired, but I'll start planning our celebration banquet. I'll jot down ideas for the silly awards I always give (this may be the first year there will be no "Late for the Bus" award), make a list of what I need to order and answer the eternal question, "When will learn if anyone is going to All-State?"

7:00pm and I'll be home again. I'll snuggle in blanket, drink a well-deserved glass of wine and smile as I celebrate another year of craziness, performances and love.


  1. It's hard to balance all the parts of your life, that i know. Yet, it's clear they kids and you have a special bond and energy - all the kids - and the grand kids too. You will, however, deserve that glass (or two) of wine after all the school bus riding!

  2. A long, busy and exciting day for you and your students. Good luck to each of them. And, yes, you will have earned a glass or two of your favorite wine while snuggling in the comfort of your home.

  3. I think speech teachers are saints, remember my son having the time of his life with his group & with his band contests too. Thanks for all you do, Deb. Hope this day goes beautifully!

  4. I love reading about your speech kids - your love for this work and the kids shines through. Good luck today!

  5. I love reading about your speech kids - your love for this work and the kids shines through. Good luck today!

  6. I hope your day went exactly as you envisioned with some positive surprises along the way.

  7. I love the way you structured this slice with your well known predictions of the day ahead. I hope it all went as well and that your students were proud of their performances.

  8. Beautiful. Where you could be, where you will be. Both places a part of you. I bet your seniors were amazing. Enjoy Sunday!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...