Monday, March 2, 2015

{#sol15} 2/31 Saturday Morning Musings
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I settle into my seat and the humming of the tires on the road lull me into a semi-conscious state. As I listen to the buzzing of teenage voices behind me, the music an undercurrent of
the anticipation,
the anxiety,
the nerves of the day,
I am transported back to another early Saturday morning with the same soundtrack.

It's all the same.
Except, of course,
That now I am the coach,
Not the teenager.

I remember vividly these early morning rides. The feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was it excitement or nerves? Probably a combination of both, and if you used it to fuel you, great things happened. But if that feeling controlled your mind, well, let's hope that didn't happen.

I remember the waiting for performances and then waiting for results. I remember the friends who stood behind me, ready to congratulate me or support me, whatever the situation required.

In forty years, nothing has really changed. Except now, not only do I have to take care of MY 
I also have to take care of their

Back on the bus with my speech kids, it's a good place to be.


  1. I love seeing the picture, Deb. Missed you yesterday, thought I should check out what you're doing today. You do so many wonderful things with (and for) these speech students! Have a great week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Linda. I am going to get back into this blogging thing and old friends dropping by help keep my enthusiasm up!

  2. Deb - I like the juxtaposition of you as speech student - and you as coach. And, your end, where you are responsible for managing everyone's anxiety etc - in addition to your so poignant.

    1. Thanks. That's what I was going for. It's sometimes surreal as I ride the bus to realize I am the coach....

  3. When I was in Sweet Adelines competition, it was all about those butterflies in the stomach - you just need to get them flying in unison. I'm sure you are a calming element to all of your students!

    1. I think that's my main job on contest days, Judy, to keep everyone calm :)

  4. I've always loved reading about your speech kids and all that they are able to accomplish through your teaching and enthusiasm, Deb.

    1. I always have an amazing group of speech kids, Tara. This year is no exception. I love seeing them grow as performers throughout their years with me

  5. I was on speech team in high school, too, but we always had to get there on our own- no bus rides. Later, I had a chance to be a judge a few times. It is interesting, the remembering and the comparing that goes through your caught the feeling with your words, especially the ending.

    1. bus rides. That would suck. Our kids have to ride the bus if they want to perform (unless there is some kind of unusual circumstance)

  6. This brings back memories. I remember one debate tournament and a bus ride in a blizzard. And a kid having to stand in the door well to hold the door shut. Another time the manager at the hotel called me and complained about my students being on the roof of the hotel. Oh, I could go on, but...

    1. Luckily, Glenda, no overnights for us. My kids are crazy. I think they would kick us out!

  7. Now I know why you coach the speech team. I was not even aware of that group in high school, so I had no schema for it as an adult. That is a bond these kids will never forget.

  8. I love how you compared this to how you used to that's a good coach! xo

  9. I love how you contrast your speech making self with your coach self.

    I did not participate in speech and debate in high school. This is my first year judging debate tournaments ( I volunteered and will continue to), our coach is blogging during SOL at

    I so admire the students' effort and the coach is such an amazing encourager!

    1. Thanks, Lee Ann, for sharing your coach's blog. I'll be checking it out

  10. Loved hearing the soundtrack of the day -- anticipation, nerves, anxiety. That makes it real and exciting for everyone! Bravo on orchestrating the sweet sounds of competition.

  11. It is so true that we feel like our past and present selves simultaneously. Like Cisnero's story Eleven and her description of years as layers of an onion. The flashback is so vivid here.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...