Friday, March 6, 2015

{#sol15} 6/31 Out My Window
Join us at Two Writing Teachers
for the March Slice of Life challenge.
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Earlier this year, my 8th grade students and I wrote poetry that used the five themes of geography, plus photography.  We all took a picture of the scene out our windows and then wrote poetry describing the scene.  I got the idea from some great educators in Iowa who create monthly ideas for us all to try. This is the link to the directions for this activity.

I found my poem today as I was going through files and thought I would share. It is almost lake time, after all


  1. Love this. Makes me want summer and lakeside contemplation. Thanks for helping me see summer.

    1. Thanks. I was having a little summer fever today myself. Needed a little reminder it was coming.

  2. With all this snow on the ground, this picture is wonderful! What a great cross-curricular writing prompt.

  3. I love to kayak. It is so peaceful. I was reminded of this in your poem. Oh, how I long for a lake quiet kayak ride.

  4. I love to kayak. It is so peaceful. I was reminded of this in your poem. Oh, how I long for a lake quiet kayak ride.

  5. This was elegantly crafted! I want to try this strategy myself! Thank you for sharing. Worthy of re-reading many times over!

    1. Thanks, Greg. This was fun to try. My kids wrote amazing poems--even those who thought they couldn't write poetry.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...