Sunday, March 1, 2015

{#sol15} 1/31 If It's March, I Must Write

Five years ago, I started a journey. I didn't know if I could do it. Could I really write for 30 days in a row?  If I did, would anyone read it?

And then, an amazing thing happened. People did read it. And they liked it. And even though I haven't been writing as much the last year, when I do write, those same people welcome me back into the fold like I never left.

And that's why I love this slice of life community. It's why March wouldn't be the same without writing and sharing with this group.

So welcome to Coffee with Chloe.

It's a little bit of this and a little bit of....

She told me she wasn't going to write this year. 

She told me she was too tired, too busy to write. So there would be more time for me! 

She's almost done with her crazy speech schedule, she said, so we'd be able to start walking again after school. 

But nooooooooo....... She's going to write in this silly challenge again. 

And this is Chloe. Sometimes, she whines writes too.


  1. I know this feeling but the lure is so appealing. Why wouldn't it be because the experience is so renewing! Chloe will adjust! :) Happy to hear from you both!

    1. She always does. I'm sure she'll have a few things to say this year...

  2. Ha! Can't stay away from a community that embraces and encourages you, right?! I am looking forward to hearing Chloe's take on another March Challenge, Deb.

    1. Nope. It's like the Siren's call. I turn that calendar page and I'm right back in it. Here's to 31 days!

  3. Ha! Can't stay away from a community that embraces and encourages you, right?! I am looking forward to hearing Chloe's take on another March Challenge, Deb.

  4. Looking forward to reading your writing, along with Chloe too. You are right - this community is amazing.

  5. Your post encourages me to give this a try. I'm getting a feel as I read through your pst and others just what a slice of life story might mean. Thanks.

    1. You really can do this, Mary Ann. And this community is so supportive. We all have tough days when we don't think we can write. But then you start reading someone's post and become inspired. You just have to start.

      Read this post by fellow five year slicer, Michelle. It's the best "how to get started" post I've read. I'm stealing tips from her this year

    2. {blushing} Thanks for sharing Deb and so glad it gave you the nudge you needed!!!!

  6. I too hesitated at first, and then I decided I just had to jump in. We seem to make time for everything else so why not carve away a bit of time for writing, right? There are so many rewards that come out of this experience and it always gives me a greater appreciation for what I ask my students to do on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Writing like this definitely reminds me what it's like for my students. We'll talk about this tomorrow, for sure. I plan to write my slices while they are writing. The struggle will be real some days, that's for sure

  7. Gotta love that Chloe! Returning to the challenge every March is a bit like coming home, isn't it? Perhaps coming home with a large pile of laundry to keep you very busy for a long time, but home, nonetheless. I am looking forward to a month of the creative, reflective, authentic writing the challenge pushes you to craft!

  8. So glad you're joining in the challenge again. I've missed your slices (and Chloe's too). It does become a habit, doesn't it. Happy writing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Judy. I've missed slicing too. March is just what I need

  9. Ah! This is Glenda, too. I've been so tired lately. I didn't blog at all during February. I think I'll write about why for Monday, day 2. This is my first year w/ SoL, and I only decided to do the challenge after writing a post this morning. I need to get w/ the program!

    1. This challenge is good for that. It forces you to make that time to write that we think we don't have.

  10. I just read your note in the database. Glad you're back this year, Deb! And Chloe too!

    1. Thanks Stacey. It was literally a last minute decision!

  11. I doubted too but couldn't resist the pull of the challenge. You have Chloe on your side to help you out when you need a break. Two of you make a great team.

    1. Thanks Terje. I was happy to see so many familiar faces!

  12. It feels a little overwhelming when thinking of writing and posting for 31 days straight, doesn't it?! But it's irresistible. The community makes it such a positive experience! Here's to happy slicing!

  13. Thanks, Chloe, for sharing Deb with us. We enjoy hearing from both of you!

  14. Dear Chloe,
    I know you want mom to be there for you at all times, but some of us out in the blog world have missed your mom's voice. I know she will let you write too, so keep an eye out for what's happening. Then you will be ready to share your story too.

  15. Hello Chloe! Daisy here...I know just what you mean about the Mom taking all of our walk time to write and comment and be on the computer. Yeesh. But I have to say, it does make her happy and still, we'll get our walks in eventually, right?!

    So glad to visit and stop in on your blog today, Deb. Your voice inspires me. Happy Slice of Life!

  16. I almost didn't write this year too! I'm glad I am, and I'm glad you are too, Deb! I would have definitely missed you (and Chloe) if you had decided not to!

    1. Yea! Another familiar face! I'll have to hop on over to your blog!

  17. I'm glad you are writing. I'm glad Chloe is writing too. I'm happy to get to read your words. They make my world better.

  18. And you are back! I'm smiling ear to ear ... I knew you would. Chloe did too. (Even though she had her paws crossed!)

    Welcome to year 5! We can do this ... and we will! Happy to be joining you for another crazy month!

  19. So glad you are back - it was the same for me but I thought, how could I not? Looking forward to reading what you and Chloe have to share.

  20. Glad that you and Chloe are writing again! Can't believe we have all been at this for five years!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...