Saturday, March 5, 2016

{solsc} 5/31 #sol16 Celebrating MOMENTS

Discover. Play. Build.

My favorite day of the week. Celebration Saturday.  I was celebrating my week before Ruth started her Celebration link-up, but I love that now I can celebrate with others.  Once you start finding the JOY in your week, those little MOMENTS help BALANCE out your life.

I've been more intentional about celebrating MOMENTS this year since I joined Ali Edwards One Little Word class this year.  I'm not sure what actually prompted me to do it, but I'm happy about it. I'm more conscious of taking little MOMENTS just for me, of keeping track of those MOMENTS in my notebook and, sometimes, just enjoying them.

This week I celebrate:

  • Our family message chat:  We have a group chat on Facebook that just makes me smile. I never know when a silly picture, a news article link, or just a check-in will pop up. We visit and call when we can, but those mid-week connections just make my day.
  • Kids who trust and respect you. I wrote about a group of them the other day, but I can't help but give them all a shout-out today.  
  • Chocolate. Unexpected gifts of it. From a student. Enough said
  • Chloe hugs. Someday we will have to record a Chloe greeting when we've been gone for awhile (and five minutes is a while).  She gives the best hugs ever.
  • Time to finish a book. Last night I made Friday night mine. I finished an escape book, had a glass of wine, and watched fun TV. A perfect night.
  • I work with amazing educators. People who care about students and the state of education. We work hard to improve, to do our best for kids.  
  • Today we will head north and visit with old friends.  There's nothing better.

I'm sure there is more, but that's all I've got this morning.  Enjoy your weekend. Celebrate the MOMENTS.  



  1. I drift in to read Saturday celebrations now and then. Maybe one of these days I will link up. It is such a great idea (Ruth Ayres has a lot of those!). Your family chat sounds fun!

  2. Your week sounded wonderful! A Friday night all to yourself - book, wine, tv. Definitely a perfect night!

  3. Sounds like lots of wonderful things to celebrate!! My family likes group texts. Oh my goodness, they are hilarious!!

  4. Those are some huge celebrations to share from this week. What book did you finish?

  5. Those are some huge celebrations to share from this week. What book did you finish?

  6. I like how chocolate takes a well earned place along with Chloe, family, friends, students and books. It completes a perfect combination of important elements.

  7. Those moments are precious and add up to a rich life! It is always fun to get a peek into your part of the world.

  8. Sounds like a week to remember, and in a very good way, Deb. Enjoy your trip north, and the one part I really love is your Friday night. You're right, perfect.

  9. Deb, it was a wonderful week of celebrations for you. I like your family midweek one. I would like to start something like that but for now a quick phone call is great. Have a great day.

  10. So rewarding and fulfilling to record those little moments that we have a tendency to overlook. Thanks for sharing your "little/big" moments with us.

  11. There are so many celebrations in our lives, and it is good to make sure to find them, name them and claim them. It is so good to read you again!

  12. I not sure which of the celebrations I find most inspiring. They are all wonderful. Now I'm inspired!

  13. I love your moments. Friday night to read and enjoy. Students who bring joy to your heart. Thanks for sharing your celebration as they added a smile to my heart.

  14. The family message chat is a great idea. Thanks!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...