Tuesday, March 1, 2016

{solsc} 1/31 #sol16 And, We Begin Again

6 years.

That's how long Chloe and I have been participating in the Slice of Life March challenge.

6 years.

Last year I wasn't sure I would participate, but when that calendar page turned, here I was. Ready to write again.

This year I didn't question. I just knew I would.

I'm a writer, you see. And a writer must write.

I'm Chloe. I'm 6 years old and I'm a writer too. I complain a lot about this whole March blogging thing, but it's really kind of fun.
Well, it's fun if Mom lets me write. 

I looked back over my previous first posts and found that I said pretty much the same thing every time. I'll let you go back and see them for yourself if you want. They explain a lot about who I am and what I write about. Chloe tends to....

Hey...it's my turn to write. You don't get to tell about me!
I haven't been a big fan of Mom's blog and this whole challenge thing. It takes away from fun stuff. But I'm more grown-up this year, so I decided not to whine about it.  I'm going to let Mom write when she needs to. Maybe if I don't whine, we'll be able to play more when she's done.

I've been getting ready to write during the last week. Thanks to Michelle's advice I set up all my blog posts for the month. I can see where this will help a lot on those hectic days when I'm not sure I have time to write. I also have a Pinterest board with blogging ideas for those days when "nothing happens" and a list in my writer's notebook.  I know that I write better in the morning, so I plan to write my posts with my kids in Creative Writing. I'll probably comment after school, though. It just seems to be a better time for me to do that.

I plan on having treats. I'll do anything for a treat!

Chloe's right. Treats are good. Maybe writing with a cup of really good coffee in the morning--or if I procrastinate, a glass of wine at night.

Hey! I thought you said no whining!

Not that kind of whine, Chloe...


  1. Deb, I am excited to begin this journey with you. As you say, "I'm a writer, you see. And a writer must write." This post is delightful with two voices that both want talk time. Have fun!

    1. Chloe loves to write. We'll see what she comes up with this month.

  2. My heart is happy to know you or Chloe will be writing every day. Maybe I will have to try that glass of wine in the evening. Might make my comments more interesting.

    1. Thanks, Elsie. The challenge is like coming home and old friends are waiting. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Glad we're here in this community of writers together. Five years ago Michelle encouraged me to participate and I enjoy it (although there are some challenging days of what to write about). That's when Max seems to step up to the plate. Looking forward to reading Chloe and your slices.

    1. Judy! So glad to see you. The thing I enjoy the most about March is meeting up with old friends. Let's have fun this March!

  4. Ah, Deb, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking ahead. My days are so busy this year that I have to do some writing in advance. Tuesday, for example, is long w/ no ending until late at night.

    Chloe is right to worry about her "me time." My husband is worried I'll take time away from our spring trip to write, but I have a plan!

    1. I have the same problem tomorrow. All day state meeting and I won't be home til later. I'll definitely be planning for it today!

  5. Thanks for sharing you advice and encouragement, Deb (and Chloe). Both will help see us through this month of slices.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Brian. Chloe and I love new readers!

  6. Thanks for sharing you advice and encouragement, Deb (and Chloe). Both will help see us through this month of slices.

  7. Hard to believe that there are some of us who began six years ago, and we are still writing! I haven't heard from Chloe in a while, so am glad to see she has the same spunky attitude as always. Happy Slicing to you both.

    1. I love that all of us are still slicing and writing. It's like finding friends each time I visit

  8. Here we are again! Happy Day One! This is feeling like a reunion party. I can't wait to walk this journey with all my friends. Thanks for the Pinterest Board!

    1. Oh, I love that. A reunion party. Makes this March challenge so festive.

  9. Ha ... no whining! Again, your first slice makes me laugh out loud! You and Chloe. Chloe and you. So glad you are back (without question) again for year six! Amazing! There are still stories to be shared ... looking forward to another month with you, Deb!

  10. Here we go...so glad to see you again, and Chloe, too.

    1. Good to see you too, Tara. Looking forward to this month.

  11. Here we go...so glad to see you again, and Chloe, too.

  12. Seems great Deb, to have your writing partner by your side :)
    Bonnie K.

    1. It's lovely. And I look forward to your slices!

  13. Deb,

    I did not know you had a partner in crime to help out with your writing. Isn't that cheating?? :) I've learned one more thing about you, which is pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing that and good luck with your writing. RIght now, I'm going to go get a Pinterest board opened for blogging ideas (great idea).


  14. I feel the same way, Deb! Last year, I almost didn't do it too (and I only did 14 days, so I didn't exactly "do" it...) , but this year it was just a given. Of course I would. It's something I do! So funny that you had the same experience! :-)

  15. I love how you write with Chloe! Too cute!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...