Monday, March 7, 2016

{solsc} 7/31 #sol16 A Little Ramble

I fully intended to write this morning. I woke up at 5:30 am and got right out of bed, showered and grabbed a cup of coffee. Went to my chair, grabbed the computer, and opened up.  My Feedly page is the first thing I see, so I start reading blogs. Then I head to Twitter and check out the #sol16 feed. I read some more and commented on a few. I'm finding it so much easier to find blogs to read on Feedly and Twitter. Sometimes the list on Two Writing Teachers is overwhelming!

Before I knew it, it was 7:15 and time to get ready and go!  My student teacher started today, I had to be ready! I had just enough time at school to straighten up things--I left things kind of a mess on Friday after rehearsals. I've been in touch with my student teacher since last December--and she has visited twice, so there wasn't as much of an awkward "get to know you" conversation. I hated that she started on an in-service day. Not much excitement there! I gave her a heads up on some things I had planned for her to do and also let her know that she could try anything she wanted when she was teaching. How are you ever going to know if a plan works unless you try it out on real kids!

The afternoon was meant for me to work on aligning standards to units in my speech course, but I will admit to spending most of it talking with Amanda (the student teacher). I also had a student-led conference with a student and her dad via Google Hangout. Dad's in a wheelchair and was having a difficult time making it up to school for the conference. The hangout worked awesome and we'll definitely try it again.

But now, I'm home. And still hadn't written a blog post. And I was really starting to procrastinate. The weather has turned warmish, the birds are chirping, and my deck was calling (even though all the furniture is still packed in the garage). It would have been easy not to write, but instead, you get a rambling post about my day, while my writing partner and I enjoy a warmish day with a few sprinkles...


  1. Glad you wrote through the busy-ness, Deb! And this weather is soooo great! :-)

  2. A little ramble full of big stories ... you still wrote! :)

  3. I spent the whole day intending to write and finally just got my post done.
    I love your idea of using Google Hangout for parent conferences. I'm sure the parent appreciated it as well.

  4. It's okay, I enjoyed the ramble. Fun that you have a student teacher, and lucky her!

  5. Sometimes the most interesting reads are those that are just ramblings about thoughts and events. I particularly love that you are letting your student teacher test things out...I know that I learned the most when I was left to trial lessons designed by myself.

  6. This is a perfect slice, a picture of your day. Rambling is a fine approach for writing. Showing up is great.

  7. Enjoyed your rambling post and especially the pic of your writing partner!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...