Friday, March 11, 2016

{solsc} 11/31 #sol16 YIKES!

It's been a day.

Met with my student teacher's advisor before school.
Printed ballots for contest tomorrow--and the bus list, don't forget the bus list.
Packed the crate and the cart for contest--don't forget the projector--and the "clicker"--and the adaptor...
Reprinted Anna's poem, but not John and Mitchell's radio news transitions--they forgot to send them!
Oh, yea. Need paper for radio news--and check the radio boxes and make sure they have tape.

What else?  I know I must be forgetting something.

Rehearse after school
Who's coming for one last practice?
Today, no critique. Just remember what you need to do tomorrow.
Kelly's computer still doesn't connect with projector...remember to take mine
Send me your presentation...

What else? I know I must be forgetting something.

Time to head home
I forgot my keys! Thank heavens I remembered before I left the building!

What else? I know I must be forgetting something.

Head to the store--need cheese popcorn for tomorrow. It's a long day.
Get home. Note on the fridge. Need milk. Back to the store.
Might as well pick up a few other things {wine}

What else? I know I must be forgetting something.

Home again.
Make peanut butter/chocolate chip bars for kids.
Don't forget to take one out and leave home for Greg.

Sit down with that glass of wine.
What else? I know I must be forgetting something.

I haven't written a blog post today!

This is just gonna hafta do!


  1. Love the story of how busy you are and after all seems done, you have something else to do..... A BLOG POST. You made it and it was great!

  2. Love the story of how busy you are and after all seems done, you have something else to do..... A BLOG POST. You made it and it was great!

  3. Busy day today, and another one on the way...great that you still show up and write!

  4. It's real life! Have a restful evening and an eventful Saturday!!

  5. :) I know what you mean, Deb, I know what you mean.

  6. :) I know what you mean, Deb, I know what you mean.

  7. Wow! You're a busy lady! Hopefully you're relaxing now! :)

  8. Deb, you are such a great teacher. After all that, you made peanut butter/chocolate chip bars! Hope the wine was good, and best wishes tomorrow.

  9. Hope all goes well at contest and that you enjoyed that glass (or two) of wine. Great slice!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...