Wednesday, March 2, 2016

{solsc} 2/31 #sol16 Chloe Writes

Mom's gone.

She left me. One minute she was here and playing with me. And then she was gone!

I should have known when she got the gosh darned suitcase out last night. I should have known.  But I thought maybe she was just getting ready for the weekend. Dad wants to go some place this weekend and I heard him say I get to go. But NOOOOOO. I have to stay home.

Even Dad's not here. You don't think he went with her, do you? Do you think he will be home later? I know I'm getting older, but I still hate being home alone. There's nothing to do--no one to play with. I just lay on the bed and look out the window.  Sometimes I cry.

I'm so bored this winter. I don't even care the stupid squirrel is up in the tree or the cat lives under the deck. Everyone is sooooo busy and no one has time to play. I don't even get play dates. I just have to stay home and look out the window at the neighbors.

Wait!  I hear something.  It's DAD!!!!!!  He's home. He's home. He's home.  I'll bet he'll play with me too. I can run up and down the stairs and get hime to chase me. And then I'll get supper!  And I can sit in his chair with him! I love when my people are home.

But, I'm still mad at Mom. Do you think she'll come home tonight?


  1. Oh, Mom, how could you do this to Chloe? Time for spring romps! (Nice to hear from Chloe again, even whining.)

    1. Chloe was pretty happy to write again too...

  2. Oh, Cloe! The weather has been (relatively) nice this winter. Are you spoiled rotten? Maybe Mom or Dad need to find a way for you to watch other dogs???

  3. At least dad didn't abandon you Chloe! Mom has important work to do, be patient. She will come home and be so happy to see you again.

  4. I read your slice to Max and he barked and smiled and knows just how you feel. He has those same thoughts every time Mom & Dad walk out the door and especially when those suitcases come out of hiding. At least Dad's home and will give you some much needed lovin'.

  5. I have to go to Boise this weekend and can see the sad faces on Puck and Snug when I start to pack. I'll be punished w/ upturned noses when I return!

  6. This could be my Sophie talking...she's looking forward to Spring, too.

  7. This could be my Sophie talking...she's looking forward to Spring, too.

  8. What a fun read. Chloe is a love bug.

  9. What a fun read. Chloe is a love bug.

  10. Oh, Chloe! Life is tough, but hang in there! Mom will be back soon. Just think -- you get to give extra lovin' to Dad!

  11. Oh I have missed hearing about Chloe! I'm sure my furry kids feel the same way. Hope you aren't punished too much when you get home. :)


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...