Sunday, March 6, 2016

{solsc} 6/31 #sol16 Good-bye Weekend

to those imaginary hours
that seem to stretch to 
on Friday. 
The possibilities are endless.

I can clean my house
write in my notebook
start another book
write lesson plans
grade papers

And then, when the work is
I can
visit friends
do a little shopping
play with Chloe

here it is on Sunday night
and my bag sits beside me
a bare sketch of lesson plans

Where did those hours go?


  1. I love this! Your writing reveals a truth for us all!! Ahhh! The dream of weekends begun!!

  2. That's the enjoyment of retirement - you don't lose those weekend hours. Hope it was an enjoyable weekend even if your bag didn't get opened.

  3. Hours evaporate on the weekend. Odd how that happens.

  4. So true! So sad! All those good intentions languishing....

  5. So true! So sad! All those good intentions languishing....

  6. Oh! I loved your slice today!! I too had such ambitions for today. I made a list of all the places/errands I needed to run and in the order I needed to go. But halfway into the day, I had only 2 things done and I was exhausted. It's 6:30 and I'm just now getting to my writing assignment for today. :)

  7. Haha, so true!!! Where does that time go? :-) You captured that Sunday-night feeling perfectly, Deb!

  8. I can't tell you but the hours always seem to stretch before me too. Hope your weekend was good no matter what.

  9. I know that feeling all too well ... my bag is sprawled beside me, but I sit here reading slices!

  10. #truth
    My bag is beckoning too...
    I do find that each week speeds by faster and faster. At this rate, summer -- with its generous hours -- will be here before we know it. I hope your weekend was a super one. And, you know what? It will all get done; it always does.
    I'm also reminding myself... :)

  11. #truth
    My bag is beckoning too...
    I do find that each week speeds by faster and faster. At this rate, summer -- with its generous hours -- will be here before we know it. I hope your weekend was a super one. And, you know what? It will all get done; it always does.
    I'm also reminding myself... :)

  12. Oh, how I know that feeling!
    Your writing has captured it so well.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...