Tuesday, March 22, 2016

{solsc} 22/31 #sol16 Why I Stayed

I fully intended to turn in my application a few weeks ago for one of the instructional coaching positions being offered in our district.  I worked on my resume, my cover letter and the application itself. I looked back on my career, thought about ways I've been a leader in our district, and ways I've been not so great.

I completed question after question. Aside from a little wordsmithing, it was ready to turn in. Well, editing work and one question

Why do you want this job?

I looked over my pros and cons list. I talked with peers about the job. I reread my answers.
But none of what I read and heard seemed like reasons to leave what I love.

My kids.

I thought about my pixie, who almost took her cutting too far
And A, who always needs to talk on Mondays after a weekend with her mother
And then there's the new boy. So angry when he first started, but now he's fitting in and wanting to raise his grades so he can go out for football in the fall.
They all need someone who cares.

I thought about my credit recovery class--the class that makes me thing about every assignment I make as an English teacher. I can do better for them and I want another shot at doing just that.

So I trashed the application and will stay in my room at the back of the school, working hard to do what's best for kids----MY kids.


  1. I love how you ended your slice!! MY KIDS! Sometimes that's all we need to think about. When things get crazy or we aren't sure what to do.. Just do what is best for our kids... the ones that we love! :)

  2. Sounds like you made the right choice and you followed your heart!!

  3. Sounds like you made the right choice and you followed your heart!!

  4. Hard choices to make, usually the heart will steer you in the correct direction.

  5. Good for you! I think being away from the kiddos would be so, so hard. You are so in tune to their needs, that's what they need. Great choice! :)

  6. Wow....a hard choice, but you clearly followed your heart. I truly believe if we listen hard enough, the right answer will come to us. I was in a similar situation last summer...my answer was different than yours. I feel confident we are both where we should be. Congrats on the peace that comes from finding that right decision.

  7. Making job changes and altering your life are very difficult to make. From the sounds of your slice, I feel you've made the right decisions - MY KIDS. That says it all. But, I'm sure you would be great in the other position as well.

  8. Good for you! Sounds like you have made just the right choice for you. I, too, think I will never want to leave MY KIDS, no matter what other opportunities might seem tempting! I think you would have made a great lit coach, but I also know you will continue to do amazing things with your kids!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...