Monday, March 21, 2016

{solsc} 21/31 #sol16 The Hardest Thing About a Student Teacher

Do you know what the hardest part of having a student teacher is?

Keeping my mouth shut.

It's not that she is doing anything wrong or needing my help, or forgetting anything.

She's wonderful!

We talked about what I wanted kids to do in writing units and then I turned her loose with Gallagher's Write This Way and my informative writing unit.  She came up with four great days of playing with informative writing before she asked them to start their actual pieces (I am going to steal one particular activity!). She walks around and checks in with kids and has plans to conference with them all on Thursday. The kids are responding well to her. I love it.

She's also doing the informative speech unit. And again, came up with great plans. Today we both walked around and checked in with kids about what they are thinking of researching. I should have stayed out of the way, though. She's got this handled! When I'm in the room, some kids talk to me instead of her.  And I, of course, answer back.

It's hard to sit back and let her take over, but I need to.

She and I could team teach very easily.  And that's a good thing.

But I have to keep my mouth shut.  Or stay out of the room....


  1. This would be the hardest thing for me too! I love your descriptions and your very honest feelings.

  2. You are so lucky that she is great. Love that you want to steal one of her ideas. It is hard to let someone else be the guide of the kids.

  3. Yay! So glad she's great! I had a similar experience with my field experience student two years ago... she was so awesome that I wished we could have hired her! Glad your earlier worries didn't come true!

  4. How wonderful that you have her, and how wonderful she has you, Deb. Keep your mouth shut with the students, but not with her, right? I've done this before, and the kids do tend to move toward the "teacher". After your recent busy time, relax and enjoy.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...