Thursday, March 17, 2016

{solsc} 17/31 #sol16 Since My Last Birthday...

Some people hate them. They dread them coming around every year. They lie about their age.

I love them.

I celebrate my birthday as long as I can and proudly admit that this year I am 59.  Although, I'm wondering if I should have kept my mouth shut at school. There were a few, "OOO. Next year's a big one. We're going to have to do something."

I woke up this morning and checked Facebook. So many birthday wishes. I loved this one from my high school friend, Dan.

One of my granddaughters called me before school while she was riding the bus to school.

A friend's daughter sang me Happy Birthday in the enthusiastic way only a five-year-old can.

A class sang to me later in the morning, while also tormenting me with bananas (I hate them. The class thinks it's funny to torment me).

My husband took me out for supper and I had bacon wrapped shrimp. And green beer.

And, of course, March Madness starts today, so there are plenty of college hoops to watch the next few days:)

And Andrew Smith and Gae Polisner wished me Happy Birthday. I feel like a rock star, although I'm sure they wish everyone Happy Birthday...

I love my birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday! It sounds like a wonderful day. And college hoops! Go MSU! Tomorrow!

  2. Well, Happy Birthday to you!!!!! If you email me, I can send you our family's extended Happy Birthday song!!! :)
    It seems like such a wonderful day!!! :)

  3. What a happy recap of your special day! Happy happy!

  4. You have a fantastic day for a birthday! I'm usually at or preparing for NCTE on my birthday, so I celebrate w/ English teachers!

    Have a fantastic year and make every day a celebration.

  5. Happy Birthday! Palau õnne sünnipäevaks!

  6. Yes I completely agree some people don't like birthdays but I am the one who cherishes this day to the fullest. I like to spend the day with my loved ones and party hard. This year I celebrated my 25th birthday at event space NYC. It was a beautiful outdoor location which made my day very special.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...