Wednesday, March 16, 2016

{solsc} 16/31 #sol16 All It Takes Is the Right Book

"I'm going to have to buy the next book of this series."


These words came from the mouth of Mechanic Boy. A self-proclaimed nonreader in my credit recovery class. 

But he's read TWO books this quarter. Really read them. As a class we read Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. 

It didn't suck. And we had great discussions.

Then we started an independent reading unit. Student could choose their own book and they would read it in 15 days. 15. Days. 

I was crazy, wasn't I?

Mechanic Boy was home from school yesterday with food poisoning. He finished the book. Finished the book on day 6! And loved it. He has to order the next one because "The author stopped this book is a really bad spot."  In other words, Mechanic Boy needs to find out what happened.

He kept telling Amanda (student teacher) and I that he still wasn't a reader. He just liked this book. I kept telling him, "Everyone is a reader. Some just haven't found the right book. Looks like you found yours."

He smiles, but still isn't convinced. 

I ordered the next book. It'll be here Friday.

The book that hooked him? 


  1. This is just one example of the magic that happens daily in your classroom!

  2. Always a great moment when a student gets turned on to reading. Great job - both for you and him!

  3. Oh yeah! You got him! Totally agree with you--they just haven't found the right book yet.

  4. Love this interaction Deb. Quite precious. You can see the walls of doubt beginning to crumble. More power to you and the vital work you are doing to grow life long readers and writers

  5. Love this interaction Deb. Quite precious. You can see the walls of doubt beginning to crumble. More power to you and the vital work you are doing to grow life long readers and writers

  6. Love those moments! Especially loved that he finished it while home sick! :-)


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...