Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Matter Sunday

Today's shout out goes to the entire staff  at Crestwood High School.  This includes not only the teachers and administrative staff, but the paras, nurses, secretaries, and custodians. No matter what gets said around town, you are making a difference in the lives of the teenagers we see every day.

 I watch as you arrive early to work with the kid who just doesn't get it.
 I watch as you stay far beyond 4:00pm to do the same thing.

I see that you take students under your wing and give them the love that they aren't getting at home (and sometimes the kick in the rear that they need!)
I see you cry when bad things happen and you don't know what to do.

You take on jobs without extra pay because it's good for kids.
You work hard at creating a welcoming, learning environment.

For all this and more, You Matter.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone should get a 'shout out' of applause often, and it seems that your colleagues are getting it today. So glad you have a great group to work with, not always easy to find.


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