Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Not the What, It's the Who!

It's 5:00am and I woke early.  Not sure why, but I am.  I was going to post about being evaluated today, but I read blogs and checked Twitter instead.

I reread Christy's Slice of Life from Tuesday again because I love the way she wrote her post about the young man in her classroom. The intro, especially, grabbed my attention and I wanted to use it today as a mentor text with my freshman. But most importantly, she is connecting and making difference in that young man's life.

I read a new blog for me, but one I enjoy, JennM at I Hablo Espanglish. She made an analogy to the starfish story and two students at school.  One she kept from being bullied at lunch, one she helped get her locker fixed. She made a difference in those two lives.

And then Michelle tweeted a post. I generally read anything she tweets about because it's usually good stuff! And it was again this morning. A new blog to follow Justin Stortz at Pursuing Context. Justin comes right out and says the important theme running through these blogs--It's not what we teach, but who!

So, as I go back to looking over my lesson for today, as I make sure my room is in order and the SmartBoard works, as I teach a mini lesson on writing great leads for their personal narratives, I need to remember that the what I am teaching is not the most important thing in the classroom--although it might be the easiest thing to observe and evaluate.

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  1. You are so correct! Best wishes for a terrific time with your students!

  2. I wish I could have had you as a teacher. Very few of my teachers during my whole school career, cared about the students. They were more worried about making it through the day and just basically passing any kid just so they didn't have them the next year. It really makes a difference if the teacher cares about YOU. The same applies to my online classes this semester. It's easier for me to do my psychology and successful learning because I get feedback on all of my assignments. It's something as simple as that even, that makes a difference.

  3. It really is that simple! Just care and communicate. Hmmm, I wonder how they would teach that in education classes?

  4. Deb,
    Great compilation of strong reminders that it is so much about the WHO! I'm trying to keep hold of that thought. I've been thinking about this since the beginning of the year. Yes, we have to think about the what (standards and curriculum) and the how (reaching all learners), but we first have to start with the who.

    You are awesome and you're absolutely right about the observations: it's the behind the scenes thoughts that aren't observed that are worth so much more. Be sure to share those insights when you have your conference!

    Thanks for the vote of "tweeter confidence"! My mom reads your blog too (I don't think she has yet left a comment) but I feel pretty cool being mentioned in your post! *wink *wink

  5. YOUR writing was my mentor text! It is funny how that chain of writing influence works.

    Your students are lucky to learn from you because of the way you continuously grow as a professional. However, they are even luckier to be cared for by you. I know you reach many more minds and hearts than you realize.


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