Saturday, March 1, 2025

1/31#solsc It’s March 1st

 Technically, I’m not a newbie.

.I’ve done this before.

But I haven’t really, truly participated since 2018.

That’s a long time. 

So maybe I am a newbie.

Because I’m going to try again.

It’s March 1st, and it’s time to write.


  1. Yay! I was going through my blog roll today and almost deleted yours but thought...she might just come back! What a wonderful surprise!

  2. Seriously, Leigh Anne, I didn’t plan this. I saw someone’s post on Facebook and here I am!

  3. newtreemom
    It will be nice to share writing with you again!


3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi

  Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after me💕  I’m a really smart g...