Sunday, March 2, 2025

2/31. #solsc I Was/I Am

 Just like every year, I looked over my opening blog posts to see how I introduced myself and my blog. This year I realized things have changed a lot in the past few years and so have I. Maybe it’s time to update. 

I used to be an English teacher whose favorite class to teach was Creative Writing. I loved mornings with students, all of us quietly writing. It seemed there was always something to write about. 

Nowadays, my writing comes in fits and spurts. I struggled sometimes with what to write about. I guess it’s why this blog has been dormant. I’ve lost my voice. But I do write in my notebook most days. I’ve joined the100 Days of Notebooking group on Facebook and it does keep me writing. 

Kind of.

I used to be so busy and I thought that was a good thing (most of the time). I taught three or four different English classes, coached competitive Speech, took part in many committees, and tried to keep up with grandkids, being a dog mom, and keeping in touch with family and friends across the state. It kept me busy, but there wasn’t really time for me. 

Today I sit here, lounging in my pajamas, sipping on another cup of coffee, and having to check my phone to see what day it is. When I’m done with this post I’ll shower and change. We’re going to brunch with friends later, so I’ll put on “real” clothes. I’m still a grandma and dog mom (a new dog for those of you who followed me before), but this time it’s different.

My life is quiet and peaceful. My time is mine to do or not do whatever I want. 

And today, I want to write.


  1. newtreemom
    I identify with checking the phone to see what day it is! Not as busy as I once was, either… you’d think I’d be writing more… I’m hoping to reestablish that daily habit with this month of writing.

  2. Welcome back! Always a delight to hear from familiar voices. Glad you decided to write. I had decided to not do this year, but something about March 1 pulls me in . . .every year.

    1. I understand. Writing was not on my radar this year. And then I saw a friend’s post, turned the calendar page, and here I am!

  3. "My life is quiet and peaceful. My time is mine to do or not do whatever I want. "- this is the ultimate freedom.

  4. I understand about the fits and spurts! But the best thing about writing is having written! Or maybe "wanting to write!"


3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi

  Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after me💕  I’m a really smart g...