Monday, March 3, 2025

3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi


Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after meπŸ’• 

I’m a really smart girl, so Mom said I could write for her today She says sometimes I’m too smart for my own good. But she thinks maybe I need to go to puppy school. 

Huh? If I’m so smart, why do I need school? πŸ€”

I know how to tell time. When the sun comes up, it’s time to get up. And a little while after that it’s time to eat breakfast. If I leave a little bit, Dad thinks I’m not eating enough and he gives me a little milk and cereal.

I love milk and cereal. πŸ˜‹

After I eat my first breakfast, Mom and I go for a walk. Or we play Frisbee in the backyard. Sometimes, we even do both! That’s the best.

Mom eats lunch after that, but she doesn’t share with me ☹️ She says I don’t need people food. Good thing Dad’s around or I wouldn’t get anything good to eat!

Sometimes, I take a nap in the afternoon, but I try to stay awake just in case Mom and Dad do something fun. We go play in the backyard again after that. Or, sometimes I go play by myself, but that’s not as much fun.

I also know when it’s supper time. I make sure to let Mom know so she doesn’t forget. Sometimes at supper she puts stuff in my dish.  Frozen carrots are one of my favorites. But I really like it when they have hamburger and rub the package on my food. Soooooo gooood! πŸ˜‹

And every night after supper and before I go to bed, Dad and I share a banana. Do you know how good those things are? I could eat a whole one by myself, I just know it. But Dad says we have to share, dang it.

Well, it’s just about time for cereal with Dad, so I’m going to say goodbye for now. I hope I get to talk to you soon!

Bye! 😘 


  1. I can feels Sophie's personality oozing out of "her" words.

  2. A Sophie story! I was hoping she would make appearance.

  3. Sophie, so fun to hear from you! I never knew a dog who liked bananas, but then I haven't known many dogs (I'm a cat person!), but I did know Chloe.

  4. Love your story written from Sophie's point of view. A children's book idea, perhaps?


3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi

  Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after meπŸ’•  I’m a really smart g...