Wednesday, March 5, 2025

5/31 #solsc Crybaby

 My name is Deb and I am a crybaby.

Sad. Of course. I’m going to cry.

Happy. Yep, I cry.

Sappy Hallmark movies or commercials. Blubbering idiot.

I don’t mind those times so much. But when I’m really angry? Geez, I  hate when I feel the tears welling up. I just think I’m so weak when that happens.

Today it was frustration that set me off. Driving in an unfamiliar area, bad directions, a little stress. And there they were— the tears. And I snapped at my husband. 

But when I apologized and blamed the frustration for snapping and the tears, he said, “We’ve been together over 40 years. You think I don’t know what causes those tears?”

And then he shut up. Because that’s for the best.


  1. Awe, what a sweet husband! Those tears might go a bit with the name, as I can relate to a few of those tearful moments.

  2. That is why you have been together for over 40 years! There are lots of us who cry at the drop of a hat, but not everyone has a supportive partner!

  3. Hurray for cryers and hurray for people who love and accept cryers for exactly who they are. Sounds like you've got a keeper, Deb!

  4. As a fellow cryer, I feel this! The angry tears are my least favorite too.


5/31 #solsc Crybaby

 My name is Deb and I am a crybaby. Sad. Of course. I’m going to cry. Happy. Yep, I cry. Sappy Hallmark movies or commercials. Blubbering id...