Monday, March 3, 2025

3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi


Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after meπŸ’• 

I’m a really smart girl, so Mom said I could write for her today She says sometimes I’m too smart for my own good. But she thinks maybe I need to go to puppy school. 

Huh? If I’m so smart, why do I need school? πŸ€”

I know how to tell time. When the sun comes up, it’s time to get up. And a little while after that it’s time to eat breakfast. If I leave a little bit, Dad thinks I’m not eating enough and he gives me a little milk and cereal.

I love milk and cereal. πŸ˜‹

After I eat my first breakfast, Mom and I go for a walk. Or we play Frisbee in the backyard. Sometimes, we even do both! That’s the best.

Mom eats lunch after that, but she doesn’t share with me ☹️ She says I don’t need people food. Good thing Dad’s around or I wouldn’t get anything good to eat!

Sometimes, I take a nap in the afternoon, but I try to stay awake just in case Mom and Dad do something fun. We go play in the backyard again after that. Or, sometimes I go play by myself, but that’s not as much fun.

I also know when it’s supper time. I make sure to let Mom know so she doesn’t forget. Sometimes at supper she puts stuff in my dish.  Frozen carrots are one of my favorites. But I really like it when they have hamburger and rub the package on my food. Soooooo gooood! πŸ˜‹

And every night after supper and before I go to bed, Dad and I share a banana. Do you know how good those things are? I could eat a whole one by myself, I just know it. But Dad says we have to share, dang it.

Well, it’s just about time for cereal with Dad, so I’m going to say goodbye for now. I hope I get to talk to you soon!

Bye! 😘 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

2/31. #solsc I Was/I Am

 Just like every year, I looked over my opening blog posts to see how I introduced myself and my blog. This year I realized things have changed a lot in the past few years and so have I. Maybe it’s time to update. 

I used to be an English teacher whose favorite class to teach was Creative Writing. I loved mornings with students, all of us quietly writing. It seemed there was always something to write about. 

Nowadays, my writing comes in fits and spurts. I struggled sometimes with what to write about. I guess it’s why this blog has been dormant. I’ve lost my voice. But I do write in my notebook most days. I’ve joined the100 Days of Notebooking group on Facebook and it does keep me writing. 

Kind of.

I used to be so busy and I thought that was a good thing (most of the time). I taught three or four different English classes, coached competitive Speech, took part in many committees, and tried to keep up with grandkids, being a dog mom, and keeping in touch with family and friends across the state. It kept me busy, but there wasn’t really time for me. 

Today I sit here, lounging in my pajamas, sipping on another cup of coffee, and having to check my phone to see what day it is. When I’m done with this post I’ll shower and change. We’re going to brunch with friends later, so I’ll put on “real” clothes. I’m still a grandma and dog mom (a new dog for those of you who followed me before), but this time it’s different.

My life is quiet and peaceful. My time is mine to do or not do whatever I want. 

And today, I want to write.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

1/31#solsc It’s March 1st

 Technically, I’m not a newbie.

.I’ve done this before.

But I haven’t really, truly participated since 2018.

That’s a long time. 

So maybe I am a newbie.

Because I’m going to try again.

It’s March 1st, and it’s time to write.

3/31 #solsc Sophie Says Hi

  Hi! My name is Sophie and I am 3 1/2 years old. Deb is my mom. She loves me a lot and even named the blog after meπŸ’•  I’m a really smart g...