Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday Favorites

A long, long time ago (2013 to be exact) in a blogging world far, far away (not so far, really, just not visited lately), I would celebrate my week with Friday Favorites They were little things that made me smile during the week or things I really liked.

I decided to bring it back.

I ranted in my notebook this morning and decided I needed to acknowledge some little things that brought some MAGIC to my life.

1. First of all. My OLW. I love it this year. MAGIC  It reminds me of ALOHA-- something fun and whimsical that brings back great memories and reminds me to keep enjoy life like I enjoyed vacation.

2. I shared yesterday's notebook pages on Twitter and tagged our district in it. They appreciated my humor. But this tweet from Roomie made my day. It's nice to know I can still contribute.

3.  We had a great Christmas with family. One was quiet and peaceful, the other loud and chaotic. We loved them both.

4. Greg and I spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home. We watched movies and had pizza and wine. It was kind of perfect. New Year's Day we cooked a chicken in the Ninja Foodi and started season 3 of The Crown. Again. Kind of Perfect.

5. As much as I love Christmas and all the decorations, it's really nice to take it all down and get the house back in order. It's also really nice that I don't have to hurry and get it done before school starts. Retirement is so nice.

6. #100daysofnotebooking I'm writing again. Enough said. And it's not too late to join. This is NOT a pressure-filled challenge. Just write. In your notebook. Share it on Facebook or Twitter. Or not. Just check-in.  Here's Michelle's page about the challenge.

I hope you join in. I also hope you share some little things that brought you some JOY this week!


  1. What a wonderful way to end an week! And by the way...I am still you are contributing in ways you don't know about! I am really glad you are writing with us! ;)

  2. This notebook challenge is inspiring me to get back to my blog. Now, your post is nudging me forward too.


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