Tuesday, December 31, 2019

One Little Word 2020 Edition

One Little Word has been in my life since 2012. I like the idea of using one word to focus on during the coming year. I've also found they stay in my life much longer than that. So this year, I wasn't really looking to choose a new word. I was content to live with the old ones. After all, they were good words.

I forgot that the word chooses me--like MAGIC.

We vacationed in Florida in early December with our youngest son and his family. As we played in the ocean or walked through Animal Kingdom, Greg and I commented many times how MAGICal it was to view all this through the eyes of the grandkids.

Everything was new.

  • First time on a plane 
  • First time in the ocean,
  • First time at Disney parks. 
  • One became a princess
  • One overcame fears
  • One ate alligator for the first time
We saw old things in a new way. And as one grandson said, I had more fun than I've had in a really long time.

And then, I went to Hogwarts.

And I really saw things in a MAGICal way. There was something to discover around every bend. And you really had to pay attention. All of us were caught up in the MAGIC.

At home, looking through the pictures of the week, I realized how much fun we had and how much of that was determined by seeing things through the eyes of the grandkids. For them, everything was MAGIC.

And there is was. My word. I'd been living with it for a couple of weeks and didn't know it!


Of course, the Pinterest board started and the quotes were pinned. A Roald Dahl is my current favorite:

So, here's to a year of living with MAGIC.  

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