Tuesday, February 23, 2016

#sol16 But I Still Wish I Could Wear My PJ Pants...

That "Day After Conferences" hangover. You know you have to get up, leave your pjs at home and get to school. No, you can't have another cup of coffee. Yes, those pieces of writing are still waiting to be graded. No, you can't cancel rehearsals. You have contest on Saturday.

You live for Friday, when you know you have a day off.

You sit at your computer for one cup of coffee before school and open up Facebook. And there, you find the nicest post just waiting to make your day.

Facebook post from a former foreign exchange student

And suddenly, you are ready for the day. You can have a second cup of coffee at your desk as you finish those last writing pieces. And tonight's rehearsals don't seem quite as overwhelming.

Especially since your husband already has supper planned. You can have a nice glass of wine while it cooks.

You look forward to kids coming in to work, you have plans to make for the rest of the week, and maybe, a couple more notes to write to students.

Because they do mean something...to both of you...

But you still wish you could wear your pj pants to school.


  1. The power of words changes the perspective of the day. Just what you needed at the perfect moment. Love your description of conference hangover. I don't miss those days one bit.

  2. I could feel your longing to stay comfy at home. But notes and words like that make it all worthwhile and just beg you to continue doing what you do so well.

  3. I wish you could wear those pjs too, but glad that this wonderful thing came along, better than another cup of coffee!

  4. I have one some khaki cotton pants (kind of like velour pants but a different material). A 5th grader asked me if I was wearing my pjs today. Ha! Nope, but I wish!

  5. I have one some khaki cotton pants (kind of like velour pants but a different material). A 5th grader asked me if I was wearing my pjs today. Ha! Nope, but I wish!

  6. So Deb, you can wear you PJs for PD in your PJs with Chris Lehman coming up soon (free conference). For the meantime, having a cup of coffee and reading a treasured FB post is good enough to enjoy your day. Thanks for sharing what is memorable.

    1. Love this PD with Lehman. I'll have to watch for it!

  7. Isn't it ironic how the little things sometimes end up meaning more than the big things?

  8. I love moments like this - they make it crystal clear why you do the work you do, and why you love it.

  9. I love moments like this - they make it crystal clear why you do the work you do, and why you love it.

  10. I actually wish I could wear pjs to school every day - there's something to be said for pants with a little give around the waist! Especially the day after conferences. Love the concept of "day after conferences" hangover! :)

  11. Aw, yay for you, Deb! It's so refreshing to have one of those moments when a student actually lets you know what you meant to them... and then to realize how many other students have just never said so. Glad it came at the perfect time for you!


  12. gorgeous post...I read and received a lot of positive emotions . Thank you so much!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...