Saturday, February 6, 2016

Celebrating Snow, School and Friends

Discover. Play. Build.

1. Celebrating Snow Days
Is it wrong to celebrate two snow days and a two-hour late start?  I'm going to. There's something about an old-fashioned blizzard that's just kind of fun. Well, not fun for my husband. He had to go out and blow the driveway (I did help a little).  I snuggled in comfy clothes and a blanket the whole first day. I read and wrote. I dozed in my chair. When Greg came in after clearing out the driveway the first time, we binged watched half of the first season of The House of Cards on Netflix.  We are now officially addicted to this show.

The second day, I did do a little grading and planning, but still found time to read and write.

2. Celebrating School
It was nice to get back to school and see my kids. Lots of fun discussions about what everyone did on their days off.  I keep telling students that as the oldest teacher in the district, it is my job to decide if school is called off, so I was thanked a lot for the midweek vacation.

3. Celebrating Writing
I have been writing EVERY DAY.  Since discovering the #Edtime2wrt hashtag on Twitter, I've been committed. Most days I share the page in my notebook and what I've written. Even if I haven't shared, I've written.  I've noticed the more I write, the more I have to write about. Hmmmm. All I have to do is

4. Celebrating Students
I am teaching a credit recovery English class this semester. Five kids who have failed English previously.  They are working hard!  They don't think they are, though.  They are showing up. They read, write and discuss daily, with a minimum of griping. We're reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, which they have deemed "not too bad". High praise from kids who admit to never reading and doing homework!

5. Celebrating Friends
Greg and I spent time with lake friends last weekend and it was much needed.  I love my school friends, but most are younger and not at the same point in life I am at. It was nice to talk to others who understood my indecision on retiring, thinking about instructional coaching, or staying where I'm at. They know the tiredness I talk about and the needing to be re-energized by something. Indecision is my middle name right now. I have to make a decision in the next couple of weeks, though, so I need to figure out where I'm headed.

Well, that's the highlights this week.  Stay tuned. I've got a couple of blog posts in progress!


  1. Your celebrations show a balanced life. Snow days can be seen as a gift of time as long as you are warm and safe. You set a very good example with daily writing. With busy teaching life it isn't easy to always "show up and write."

  2. Yay to the blog posts in progress! Making the decision to retire or do something else within education is a huge one to consider. I've been there. I'm so glad the blizzard went north and we were spared from a week of whiteness. Love seeing your post-its on Instagram, keep it up!

  3. "Show up and write" YES!!! I'm writing everyday too, even if I haven't posted. It's exciting! Enjoy your snow days! It's like the gift of time!

  4. Congrats on the writing: it is so nice to hear your voice again! And best wishes about the retiring, a big step, & doing instructional coaching may help you "slide" on out. Love what you told your kids about the 'snow days'-very funny. Have a great weekend, Deb.

  5. Deb, my family binged watched House of Cards every evening until we caught up. You are right-the show is very addictive. I celebrate your decision making time because I know you will come up with the right path for yourself. You have to be comfortable with where you are going. Let the doors open for you.

  6. Yay for the students that are showing up and working hard. I love The Absolutely True Diary. I just finished reading Alexie's book Flight - another good one. Nice that you're writing daily. I would like to get back to daily writing. You are one more reminder that I enjoy it and could just start again.

  7. Sounds like you had the perfect week, Deb! I laughed when I read your words about being the one who gets to decide if school is cancelled. Congratulations to you for building your writing habit too!


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