Saturday, February 24, 2018


I love teenagers.

I said this to a class I was subbing in yesterday and a few kids thought I was being sarcastic. I'm not sure some of them ever really believed me, but those who know me know it's true.

I love their passions. Whether it's our Girls'Basketball team heading to the state tournament for the fourth time in five years (GO CADETS!) or my speech kiddos heading to districts today or victims of a tragedy rallying the country in a battle cry of #NeverAgain, teenagers charge into the world daring you to stop them. 

I think our world is in great hands.

I'll be back subbing all next week for Roomie, who is now teaching English 9. It will be a crazy week full of interruptions as our basketball team plays in the tournament. Seriously. It'll be nuts. The schedule will change, depending on whether they win or lose on Tuesday. Some kids will be here, some will be gone. Mentally, they'll all be gone :)

But, I've got this. They're just excited kids, who will have more important things going on in their life for a while. But we'll get the work done with a little patience and understanding--and probably a little friendly sarcasm.


Our school district has a therapy dog name Howie (He has his own Twitter page if you want to check him out ). And Howie hugs are the second best way in the world to start your day (Chloe hugs, of course, are first). Howie is a black Goldendoodle and he loves his job.  I'm "Bad Grandma" because I don't always make him follow rules, but his antics always make me laugh.  It is amazing how many high school kids track him down in the morning for that morning love. When they see him walking around the school there are many shouts of "Hi, Howie". Believe it or not, he's a pretty calming presence for the kids. It's pretty great to see some of the tough guys melt and smile when Howie brings his ball to them and wants to play.

Other celebrations:

  • Only two more letters of recommendation to write. Scholarships are due on Thursday!
  • Even though we will get more snow this weekend, next week brings a warm-up!  Melting snow and ice!
  • Hallmark movies. Sometimes in the midst of the chaos in this world, I love the simplicity and happiness of these movies.
  • My plants seem to be coming out of their winter doldrums and I saved a tulip plant from Walmart's Valentine's Day clearance last week. It's looking pretty good now.
  • Free HBO weekends. We were able to record quite a few good movies last weekend, so when it starts snowing today, we will be able to snuggle in and watch them while it storms outside.
And what are you celebrating this week?


  1. You have so many celebrations! I love the optimism for the future as you reminded us of so many positive things about teenagers!

  2. You make a great sub - loving the teenagers and getting excited because it will be "Seriously. It'll be nuts." kind of a week. Great to have dogs during this kind of a week, and every other.

  3. I never heard of a therapy dog in a high school so I think that is great, Deb. Have fun subbing in 9th grade. You must have a great green thumb because your tulip plant is thriving.

  4. Love the enthusiasm that bubbles through your post. Seriously, people find it hard to believe that we love teenagers. I'm glad there are those of us in this world who love them and middle schoolers too (my favorite age). What an exciting week you will have! And Howie looks absolutely adorable, but not as cute as Chloe (and certainly not as literate). I too enjoy an occasional Hallmark movie in the gray days of winter. Enjoy your warmup next week!

  5. One life's regret is that I never got to teach high schoolers. I loved my middle schoolers, but know that the older ones are quite wonderful too, from reading about yours and other friends' times with them. It's great to hear you'll be back for a while, but also that you are celebrating the freedom of movies and flowers, etc. And I love hearing your district has a therapy dog. That is wonderful!

  6. Retired teachers make the best subs! We have a few, and we are always glad when they are in our rooms. So many great celebrations! And I cannot wait to start seeing tuples around here.

  7. What a great list of celebrations!


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