Friday, February 16, 2018

Making Me Happy

I work a lot on making my life calm and peaceful. I bring things into my life that make me happy and try to expel the negative.  I've felt a little adrift this week, so I sat down this morning and made a couple of lists

Five Things To Do More Often

1. Send more real cards and letters. 

And include copies of those old pictures.  When I send them they not only make the recipient happy, they make me happy too.  I love imagining their face when they find something besides a bill in the mail and their smile when they see the pictures.  

2. Turn my white lights on more often.

Decorated for Christmas.

I bought this set up last fall. I change out the decorations, pumpkins, Christmas ornaments, snowmen, hearts.  I'm working on St. Patrick's Day next. But the lights. They are cozy and comforting. They shine a light in the darkness.


Current Read
Although I've been reading more lately, it's still too easy to grab my computer to check social media, play a few games, lose myself. Besides the library, I've got a great TBR pile. Time to tackle it!

4. Plant more flowers. In the yard. In the house. On the deck. Everywhere.

5. Walk Chloe

After we walked yesterday, I thought to myself how much both of us enjoyed the time outside.  Chloe sniffs everything and anything, running from tree to tree. She can't wait untilwe get to the park and she gets to run. I swear she smiles. So, as the weather warms, we need to walk more. It's good for us.

I started a list of things I should do less often, but it seemed rather negative and I only want happy thought today.  


  1. A much needed post in a time of much sadness. My white lights on my deck, the winter lights, always stay on through February and sometimes until spring arrives.

  2. I was just thinking I needed to write a list for myself to shift to some positives. Thanks for reinforcing for me how important these "little" things can be. I'm turning on my white lights right now and starting a list to dive into over break :)


3/17 I'm So Lucky

  I'm so lucky to have a birthday on St. Patrick's Day☘️ Everyone likes to celebrate my birthday (even if they don't like green ...