Saturday, February 17, 2018

Celebrate the Little Things

Some weeks the world happens and it's hard to find things to celebrate, but those are the weeks we have to dig deeper and work hard to share the JOY. 

This is one of those weeks.

However!  Here are things I am celebrating this week.

A lazy day of wander shopping last weekend. You know those days. You don't really need anything, but you wander the stores and pick up little bargains. It's a treat for us since we're 60+ miles from a mall or large shopping area.  We make a day of it and end with someplace good to eat.
This time I bought myself TWO new notebooks: One with prompts and one with a great quote, soft writing paper, and it just felt like it should be mine.

The notebooks were my gift to myself because I have been writing almost every day since the beginning of the year (I forgive myself for the week or so I had the flu). That was the point of the notebook with prompts. It's been so much easier to write when I open up my notebook and there is a prompt for me to think about.  But I've been doing the prompts myself in my current notebook.

It was finally nice enough a couple of days this week to walk Chloe. She enjoyed it as much as I did. Even though we are getting a little snow this morning, the days are getting longer, the sun is feeling warmer and I know that spring is on the way.

Greg and I have also been trying new recipes each week. This one for smothered pork chops in the crock pot that we tried last night was really good. As always, we have a few things we'd do differently when we make it the next time (and we will make it again), but it's been fun changing up our menu a little bit.

I've spent most of the week appreciating the little things in my life that make me happy

  • the plants in my window
  • the white lights I light up in the kitchen
  • Chloe's antics that make us laugh
  • my son's reaction to his daughter getting her first Valentine flowers from a boy :)
  • writing
So, although it's been a tough week, it's also been full of little things to celebrate and appreciate.


  1. The sad news about the school shooting reached Estonia too. You and Linda both show how the little celebrations allow to shine some light into the dark time.

  2. Love your down-home celebrations! The pork chops look yummy. Speaking of plants in the window: my orchid bloomed this week. Have a beautiful weekend.

  3. I think I wrote nearly the same kind of post. Though it was hard, that made it more important to find the good things, too. I love hearing about your shopping. I am so close to everything that it is rare that I go anywhere except to the grocery. I love hearing about your granddaughter getting flowers, oh my! And I love the picture of Chloe. Enjoy your writing. I didn't mention it, but am in a closed FB group writing a poem every day, much fun! Happy rest of the weekend!

  4. I love the idea of wander shopping. I'm not much of a shopper, but sometimes I just want to get our and wander around. You never know what you'll find! Have fun with the notebooks. You deserve them! I'm adding your pork chop recipe to my Pinterest Slow Cooker board. Here's the link if you are interested. Happy writing and cooking!

  5. I'm finding myself more and more turning to the small joys. They are the ones that make it all worthwhile. I am also trying some new recipes. I cooked for hours yesterday trying out some paleo recipes. Fun, but done. Now for writing...

  6. Yes, this was quite a heartbreaking week. It's good we can still share joy here to make a little light.

  7. I love your posts like this. It makes me want to capture my life in vignettes and enjoy things simply. Mark

  8. So many wonderful reasons to celebrate!

  9. This was a week full of hard heavy news. Thank you for reminding us through your celebration to work hard to find the small joys.

  10. I appreciate how you write about small yet meaningful bits of joy. I don't think we share the little things enough

  11. Love the small joys you shared - white lights, Chloe's antics, a son's response to a daughter's first Valentine flowers - all bring a much needed smile to a tough week.

  12. Glad you are enjoying your notebooks and daily writing, Deb. Your shopping trip makes me feel grateful that I live so close to the stores. I enjoy shopping for my grandbaby know. It gives me another reason to shop!


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